10 of the Best Christmas Gift Ideas for Pastors

A lot of pastors gain ten pounds in December because every ministry gives them the leftover Christmas cookies and desserts from their events.
Plus, other well-meaning churchgoers bring even more baked goodies to say, “Thank You” and “Merry Christmas.”
While we appreciate the gesture, pastors don’t need another batch of Christmas cookies.
Instead, give them something this year that they actually want and need this year.
Here are the ten best gift ideas for any pastor.
1. Books
Most pastors love reading. Books help us grow and enrich our teaching.
But please don’t assume you know what they want. Don’t buy a specific book unless they ask for it.
Trust me; it can be awkward when someone buys you a book on a subject like parenting. You always wonder, “Do they think I’m not a good parent?”
Even giving them my preaching book—a fantastic book if I do say so myself—could be taken the wrong way if they aren’t asking for it.
Get them an Amazon gift card to buy their own books.
2. Audio Books
Because pastors are so busy, more and more are beginning to listen to audiobooks while on the go.
It kills two birds with one stone. They can learn while driving, mowing the lawn, or changing light bulbs in the worship center.
Get your pastor an Audible subscription for a few months or a whole year. They’ll love it.
3. Gift Cards
Most pastors are underpaid. They can’t afford the simple luxuries that many of their church members take for granted like eating out or buying new clothes regularly.
Bless them with gift cards to help them with things like groceries, oil changes, restaurants, coffee, or clothes.
One of the coolest gifts I ever received as a pastor was a trip to the mall. They handed me a Visa gift card and told me that I couldn’t leave until I spent it all on myself since pastors are always taking care of everyone else.
I’ll never forget it.
4. A Christmas Bonus
Some churches give Christmas bonuses, but when the budget is tight, it’s often the first thing cut.
Consider collecting a few bucks from a bunch of church members, and surprising your pastor with a thank you card full of cash.
Even if it’s not a lot, a thank you and some extra cash is always appreciated.
5. Volunteer to Serve
Recruiting volunteers is one of the biggest headaches for pastors. Every church always needs more help.
So if you aren’t serving already, or you have the capacity to take on another role, give your pastor the gift of serving the church in any way that you can.
Everything you do is one less thing the pastor has to do alone.
6. Logos 8
If they don’t have it yet, your pastor needs good Bible Study Software. Logos is hands-down the best Bible study tool on the market. See my review if you’d like to learn more.
Use this link for an exclusive 10-25% discount for ProPreacher.com readers.
If they already have Logos 8, give them money to upgrade their library, buy a commentary, or get other resources.
7. Invite People to Church
Nothing makes pastors happier than seeing people in the seats and lives being changed.
If you want to see them smile, get off your rear and invite everyone you meet to a Christmas service at your church.
There’s no greater gift than receiving the gift of Jesus, but being part of helping someone else receive Jesus is a close second.
8. A Quality Pen
This may not be on the top of their wish list, but pastors use pens every day to write thank you notes, sign get-well-soon cards, take meeting notes, journal, and more.
Consider getting them a quality pen worthy of their calling—like this ballpoint pen or maybe a fountain pen.
9. Time Away
Pastors are overworked. So give them the gift of rest.
Be creative. If they’re married with kids, give them a date night and a babysitter. If you have a vacation home or cabin, let them stay in it for a weekend.
You could also give them a gift card for plane tickets, a night or two at a resort, tickets to a conference they’d love to attend, or even a few extra days of paid vacation.
10. A Letter of Encouragement
Pastors don’t get into ministry for money or gifts. We do it to make a difference.
One of the best gifts you can give is to encourage your pastor and tell them how they have specifically made a difference in your life.
Many pastors are discouraged because ministry is beyond difficult. Plus, we hear criticism more than complements. Sometimes an encouraging word is all we need to keep going.
Whatever you do for your pastor this Christmas, let them know how much you are thankful for them.