15 Ideas to Jump-Start Your Father’s Day Sermon
Father’s Day is coming quick. Hopefully you are ahead and already have your sermon written. But in case you are still looking for ideas, you have come to the right place!

Here are 15 ideas to help get your brain juices flowing and hopefully inspire you to preach your best Father’s Day sermon yet.
15 Father’s Day Sermon Ideas
- Preach David’s dying words to Solomon on how to be a man in 1 Kings 2:1-4.
- Preach Deuteronomy 6:4-9, and challenge fathers to be spiritual leaders in their family in every day life.
- Preach how children are a blessing from Psalm 127:3-5.
- Preach the story of David’s son Absalom rebelling against him. Even David, wasn’t a perfect parent and dealt with a rebellious child (2 Samuel 13-18).
- Preach how just as fathers discipline their kids, God disciplines us because He loves us (Proverbs 3:11-12).
- Preach the parable of the Prodigal Son. God is a loving father waiting for his sons to come home. (Luke 15:11-24).
- Preach Ezekiel 22:30 on how God looked for a man to stand in the gap, but couldn’t find one. Challenge fathers to stand in the gap.
- Preach the blessings of a man who fears the Lord from Psalm 112:1-10.
- Preach the blessings of a man who fears the Lord from Psalm 128:1-6.
- Preach the legacy a father leaves using Joel 1:3.
- Preach Christian family principles from Colossians 3:18-21.
- Preach Christian family principles from Ephesians 5:23-6:4.
- Preach from 1 Corinthians 4:14-17 on how a man can learn to be a good father even when they didn’t have a good example growing up.
- Preach encouragement for Fathers and young men to be strong in the Lord from 1 John 2:12-14.
- Preach the story of Abraham’s faithfulness in God’s command for him to sacrifice his one and only son, and how God, the perfect Father, sacrificed his only Son for us instead (Genesis 22:1-18).
What I miss about my earthly father and how I draw even closer to the Heavenly Father who he introduced me to as a child. We can always understand God more as we seek His word and Holy Spirit.
Thanks for the ideas. I am preaching on Jesus’ relationship to the Father and how it should exemplify our relationship to the Father through Jesus Christ our Lord. “Abba” (Father).
I would like to say thank you! for this site, it help me build more confidence in putting together a meaningful fathers day sermon.
I looked all the examples and they where very helpful, I will WAIT Patiently on the Lord and see what he have in store for me to preach for Father’s Day, VERY THANKFUL FOR ALL THE GREAT IDEAS.
This has been a wonderful encounter as we prepare for father’s day.Thanks so much as you ha e provided more than enough to choose from for a great father’s day message.
Great ideas…will blend some with mine.
I am the Leader of the Mens Fellowship, and we are planning one of the men preach. Before I could say jack, the Pastor said you are the leader so prepare and Preach. hmmmm
I dont know what to preach but coming here i am confident i can do it well
Help me, and keep me in prayers
Caleb followed God when nobody else was willing. He was one of the 12 spies who did recon in the promised land, and believed God would deliver despite the giants living there. Wholeheartedly follow after God regardless of who’s with you, and lead by example. (Numbers 14)
Wow! I like this site. It is helpful. I have to bring a short message on Sunday for Father’s. Topic “Men matters” I have found tips so far, thank you.
Interesting — I find all your comments helpful. I have self-developed Mother’s Day message with the guidance of the HS. But Father’s Day is like first time to me on this busy weekend so I thought to seek help from colleagues here on other helpful ideas. Bless you all
I am going to preach about From Boys To Men, 1st Corinthians 13 :11.
It’s time for men to be men not boys.
We as women and children are waiting on men to assume their position.
That’s a great idea. If I update this list for next year, I’ll definitely be adding 1 Cor 13:11.
I am going to preach about the Forgotten Father. Joseph was given greater responsibilities than most fathers. He was accountable to God for the earthly raising of His son Jesus.I think sometimes we forget that Jesus had to be trained and learn to obey just like our children require training today. All fathers’ are accountable to the heavenly Father as to how they raise the child or children He has blessed them with. All children need love from dad (and mother) but they have different needs for love from their parents. Some need to hear the words, “I love you”. For other children knowing that they can ask Dad for help on a math assignment that they are struggling with and that he will do the best can to help his child get through the math or other tough spot he/she is dealing with. Some children need a quantity of quality time spent with the parents.
Thank you for this site. I appreciate the encouragement and sermon ideas;although I will still seek the Lord for the Anointing preach the Word.
That’s an interesting angle, Mary. I like it! Thanks for sharing. Glad you found this helpful.
This is very helpful
Thanks Brandon,
This was very helpful for me preparing for Sunday.
Thanks! Always good to hear from a fellow Brandon. What did you end up preaching on?
I think the emphasis today is redirecting our children to the path of righteousness and salvation. Noah was able to save his family. Joshua was determined to make sure no soul was lost in his family Joshua 24:15. But Prophet Eli was indifferent to ignoble and ungodly behaviors of his sons. 1 Samuel 1-15. Even David was not a good example of a father despite his knowledge of God and closeness to God. Samuel’s too was not all that lucky in rearing God’s fearing children. Exactly the same story today. How many children of Christian leaders are following the footpath of God and following the Word for standard behaviors. Its end time as captured in 2 Timothy 3:1-3. Children are wayward and disobedient today. No more Christian values and discipline, the spartan way of life. Law heavily supports what the children are doing today because they were considered minors but some of them do heinous criminal activities. May God have mercy. Dads should wake up not abandoning their sacred obligatory responsibilities. 1 Timothy 5:8 2Corinthians 12:14. Mothers and women today are redirected to obey and subject themselves to the leadership of the home under their men their husbands. Ephesians 5:23. This is living word of God.
I like the perspective of looking at the children of different God-fearing men in the Bible. I think it shows a few things: fathers need to be actively involved in passing their faith on to their children, but also that no matter how godly the father, kids will still make their own choices.
what about Samuel’s neglect as a father?
I have near preached .
But i have been asked to speak on Fathers Day. If i do i want it to come from the Heart.
Good material. I will blend some if not all.
I’m preaching Haggai Chapter one about God’s Solution to Misplaced Priorities, with the main point being that as father’s we are the leaders and if we respond in obedience like Zerrubbabel and Joshua did then we can lead our families the right way as they led the people to rebuild the temple. But first they had to give up their excuses, and their self-interests. God bless you for this site it has been very helpful to me.
Thanks Andy! So glad you are finding this site helpful. Excellent idea for a Father’s Day sermon. I have never heard Haggai on Father’s Day, but it totally applies. Hope it goes well.