15 Productivity Tips for Pastors

In this episode, you’ll learn fifteen productivity tips for pastors to help you get more done in less time and also focus on the right things.
Pastors have more to do than they have time to do it all. Our work of ministry will continue until either we die or Jesus comes back first. There’s always more work that you could do.
I wasn’t always much of a productive person, but these are some of the big tips I picked up in my years in ministry that helped me, and I think they will help you too.
Resources Mentioned
Key Takeaways
Here’s a quick list of the fifteen tips that I cover in this episode. Check the timestamp to see when I cover each point in the episode.
- 1. Don’t neglect spiritual disciplines. [1:40]
- 2. Exercise regularly. [3:25]
- 3. Delegate, automate, or eliminate. [4:59]
- 4. Delegate responsibility, not tasks. [6:55]
- 5. Automate your appointments. [8:52]
- 6. Schedule appointments with yourself. [10:47]
- 7. Make a daily to-do list. [13:05]
- 8. Set a timer for your tasks. [15:04]
- 9. Only touch an email one time. [16:20]
- 10. Get more sleep. [18:09]
- 11. Take a day off. [18:49]
- 12. Drink coffee in the afternoon. [20:27]
- 13. Organize your office. [21:28]
- 14. Don’t go alone. [22:24]
- 15. Prepare for the next day at the end of each day. [24:15]
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