2 Years of ProPreacher

Wow, has it really been two years already?
Two years ago I had a crazy idea to start a blog about preaching. I had no idea what would happen or if anyone would actually read it, but I had some thoughts that I wanted to clarify and some ideas I had to share.
When I first began a career in ministry there were not many resources available for learning about preaching. You could go to a conference or read a book or two, but I was a broke newlywed youth pastor. I could barely afford to keep the lights on in our one-bedroom apartment. There was no way I could afford plane tickets to attend a conference or training seminar.
ProPreacher.com has slowly become what I wished I would have had when I first began – a free resource for anyone wanting to learn to preach better.
I had no idea so many people would resonate with what I felt. I had no idea that people would actually come and read these articles. I just started writing and, to my surprise, people showed up!
In just its second year, ProPreacher.com has had over 145,000 page views. That a 47% increase from year one!
I have no idea where that ranks among other popular blogs, but frankly, I don’t care.
The fact that people keep showing up and reading the articles I write tells me that I am making a difference. At the very least, I am challenging thousands of pastors to think and evaluate how they preach.
I even published a short book about sermon preparation early this year that has been very successful. The feedback from people who picked it up has been tremendous.
I don’t pretend to know everything about preaching, but I have definitely grown more and more through this 2-year-old project of mine.
If anything, this has been an awesome lesson for me in perseverance. The last two years of writing haven’t come easy. There are days where the words came easy, but other days I just cannot seem to write anything at all. Regardless, through a crazy schedule, I have done my best to consistently put in the effort, and I am starting to see the results of all that hard work.
It really has been an awesome journey. I could not be more excited to see how this project continues to grow and evolve in year 3!
Thank you all for reading this little project of mine. I hope you have found it helpful. If anything I hope it has challenged your thinking and helped you grow.
Without people like you showing up to read these articles, I would have quit a long time ago.
What you do is of the highest importance. Preaching God’s Word is one of the highest and most difficult responsibilities a person can carry.
The fact that you are reading this, tells me that you desire to grow as a preacher. Don’t ever lose that. Continue to grow. Continue to learn. Continue to give God the absolute best that you can.
Hopefully, ProPreacher will continue to be helpful to you as we grow together.
Keep preaching!
Congratulations, 2 solid of years of blogging is quite the accomplishment. Here’s to many more.
Many blessings Keep the good work.1 Corinthians 15:58
Congratulations on your 2nd year Anniversary!!
Thank you Tim!