Get This Great 2017 Sermon Calendar

As a new pastor, the weight of weekly sermon preparation crushed me.
I had preached a few sermons here and there before, but preaching every single week was terrifying.
If I had not taken action to get organized, I would never have made it.
The Problem
One of the most difficult tasks for pastors is coming up with new sermons every single week.
Have you noticed how fast Sundays come and go?
It feels like you just finished preaching when Monday comes again, and you better be ready to churn out another great message.
The weight of continual sermon preparation, on top of many other demands, is one of the quickest ways that you will burn out.
You have to get organized.
You have to get on top of it.
Just think about the consequences if you don’t get a handle on things:
- Your ministry will suffer from your lack of organization.
- Your family will suffer, because you are not yourself when you are overwhelmed.
- Your health can suffer, because of the many negative effects of stress on your body.
Lack of organization will hurt you and your ministry, but you don’t have to live that way.
The Solution
By far, one of the biggest game-changers for me was creating my first sermon calendar.
I was burned out, stressed out, and thinking about quitting until I finally got organized.
I made a simple calendar, but nothing could replace the peace of mind knowing that there was a plan in place that I only needed to follow.
It relieved the stress of wondering what I should do next, and increased my productivity.
It also helped me find more time to focus on other things.
I have found no better way to get ahead than to simply plan out my annual sermon calendar, and I want the same for you.
How are you doing?
Are you organized enough?
Do you have a sermon calendar ready for 2017?
Well, you are in luck!
I am excited to announce the release of my new 2017 Sermon Calendar today!
The 2017 Sermon Calendar
I spent a long time designing and refining this beautiful calendar with you in mind so that you don’t have to waste hours trying to format and create one for yourself.
Just download it and start plugging in your ideas.
You will quickly get organized, and save hours on your sermon planning with this beautiful template.
US holidays are already highlighted, so you don’t have to look through your calendar to find them (and if you are not in the US, there is a no holiday version too).
It costs less than a cup of coffee, but it is easily worth more than that for the peace of mind you will get, and the time you will save creating something yourself.
You Will Get:
- A beautiful, organized, fully customizable, XLSX spreadsheet that can be opened in Excel, Numbers, or Google Sheets.
- An alternative layout PDF version that is useful for printing out and writing by hand if that is more aligned with your creative style.
- File options to include United States Holidays or not.
- A full 100% money back guarantee. So if you are dissatisfied for any reason, there is nothing to fear.
So, what is holding you back?
Whether you decide to use my calendar or not, make 2017 the year that you finally get on top of your sermon planning.
It all starts with a simple sermon calendar.
You won’t regret it.
You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.
Get organized. Get productive. Lose the stress. And make 2017 your best year yet.
Get the 2017 Sermon Calendar today: