40 Christmas Sermon Ideas

It’s Christmas time again.
And every year pastors have the task to create yet another great Christmas sermon. But after many years of preaching the same message, you can get repetitive.
The message every year should remain the same, but you need a bit of a creative twist on the way you present it every year to keep the message fresh.
So, if you’re stuck in a rut trying to come up with a different way to tell the Christmas story once again, here are forty ideas straight out of the Bible to get your started.
40 Christmas Sermon Ideas from the Bible
Gospel Narratives of Jesus’ Birth
1. Matthew 1:1-17 – Preach the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew traced from Abraham through David all the way to Jesus. Matthew is unique because he includes women in his genealogy.
2. Matthew 1:18-25 – Preach the Christmas story through the eyes of Joseph, who planned to divorce Mary quietly until an angel came.
3. Matthew 2:1-12 – Preach the Christmas story through the eyes of the wise men, who seek to worship the newborn king.
4. Matthew 2:1-23 – Preach the Christmas story through the eyes of King Herod, who feels threatened by the birth of a king.
5. Luke 1:26-38 – Preach the Christmas story through the eyes of Mary, who embraced God’s plan no matter how impossible it sounded.
6. Luke 1:26-38 – Preach the Christmas story through the eyes of the angel Gabriel, who is sent to declare the good news to Mary that God has chosen her to give birth to Jesus.
7. Luke 1:39-56 – Preach the Christmas story from Mary’s perspective when visits Elizabeth and sings praise to God for what He will do through her.
8. Luke 2:1-7 – Preach the Christmas story from the perspective of Mary and Joseph, who had to travel to Bethlehem when Jesus was born.
9. Luke 2:1-7 – Preach the Christmas story from the perspective of Caesar Augustus, who had no idea that his decree for a census was all part of God’s plan to bring a king who, unlike Augustus, would have a reign that would never end.
10. Luke 2:8-21 – Preach the Christmas story from the perspective of the Shepherds when the angles appear out of nowhere and direct them to Jesus.
11. Luke 3:23-38 – Preach the genealogy of Jesus in Luke traced back from Joseph to David and all the way to Adam.
12. John 1:1-18 – Preach the Christmas story from John’s perspective as the story of how Jesus, the Word since the beginning of time, became flesh and lived among us.
13. Luke 1:5-25; 39-45; 57-66 – Preach the Christmas story through the eyes of Elizabeth, who would give birth to John the Baptists to prepare the way for Jesus.
14. Luke 1:5-25; 39-45; 57-80; 3:1-22 – Preach the Christmas story through the eyes of John the Baptist, who was called to prepare the way for Jesus.
15. Luke 2:22-35 – Preach the Christmas story through the eyes of Simeon, who waited his entire life at the temple to see Christ.
16. Luke 2:22-24; 36-40 – Preach the Christmas story through the eyes of Ana, who waited in prayer and fasting every day and night to see the one who would bring redemption to Jerusalem.
Old Testament Prophecies of Jesus’ Birth
17. Isaiah 9:6-7 – Preach the fulfilled prophecy of the coming of Jesus and his eternal kingdom.
18. Isaiah 9:6-7 – Preach the meaning of the name of Jesus as “Wonderful Counselor.”
19. Isaiah 9:6-7 – Preach the meaning of the name of Jesus as “Mighty God.”
20. Isaiah 9:6-7 – Preach the meaning of the name of Jesus as “Everlasting Father.”
21. Isaiah 9:6-7 – Preach the meaning of the name of Jesus as “Prince of Peace.”
22. Isaiah 7:14 – Preach the meaning of the name of Jesus as “Immanuel” or “God with us” (fulfilled in Matthew 1:23).
23. Micah 5:2 – Preach from the prophecy that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem (fulfilled in Matthew 2:6, and John 7:42).
24. Isaiah 7:14 – Preach the prophecy that the Jesus (Immanuel) would be born of a virgin (fulfilled in Matthew 1:23).
25. Numbers 24:17 – Preach the prophecy that Jesus would be born from the line of Jacob (fulfilled in Matthew 1:2).
26. Hosea 11:1 – Preach the prophecy that God would call his son out of Egypt (fulfilled in Matthew 2:13-15).
27. Jeremiah 31:15 – Preach the prophecy that Jesus would be born at a time of sorrow for lost children, which was fulfilled by Herod’s decree to kill all male children two years and under in the area of Bethlehem (Matthew 2:16-18).
28. Genesis 12:3 – Preach the prophecy that the entire world will be blessed through the descendant of Abraham (fulfilled in Matthew 1:1).
29. Genesis 26:4 – Preach the prophecy that the entire world will be blessed through the descendant of Isaac (fulfilled in Luke 3:34).
30. Genesis 28:14 – Preach the prophecy that the entire world will be blessed through the descendant of Jacob. (fulfilled in Luke 3:34)
31. Genesis 49:8-12 – Preach the fulfilled prophecy that the entire world will be blessed through the descendant of the tribe ofJudah. (Luke 3:33)
32. Isaiah 11:1-10 – Preach the fulfilled prophecy that the Messiah would come from the line of Jesse. (Luke 3:32)
33. Jeremiah 23:5 / Isaiah 9:7 – Preach the fulfilled prophecy that the Messiah would come from the line of David. (fulfilled in Luke 3:31)
34. Malachi 3:1 – Preach the fulfilled prophecy that the Messiah would come to the temple. (which is significant because the temple would be destroyed in 70AD and never rebuilt. (fulfilled in Luke 2:25-27)
New Testament Teaching on the Incarnation
35. Hebrews 10:1-14 – Preach about the meaning of the incarnation of Jesus to be the perfect sacrifice for all sins.
36. Philippians 2:5-11 – Preach about the meaning of the incarnation, where Jesus left heaven and became a man.
37. Galatians 4:4-7 – Preach how the incarnation of Christ helped secure our adoption into God’s family.
38. Colossians 1:15-20 – Preach about how Jesus’ incarnation brought us the image of the invisible God.
39. John 3:16-21 – Preach about how the incarnation of Jesus began a path of salvation for all who believe in him.
40. Hebrews 1:1-14 – Preach the about how since the incarnation of Jesus, God no longer speaks through prophets, but through His son, who is “the radiance of the Glory of God” (Hebrews 1:3).
I hope these Bible verses have helped inspire your creativity this Christmas season.
If you already have your sermon this year, it’s not too early to bookmark this page for next year.
And if you have other Christmas sermon ideas that are not on this list, please share them with everyone in the comment section below.
May God bless you and your ministry as you seek to shine the light of Christ this Christmas.
Thanks a million for well collated Biblical information on Christmas. God bless you for a job well done!
thanks a lot
Thanks for these gift of verses pn Christmas!
Very helpful for Christmas
Thank you for these verses
Thank you…
Many refreshing / new ideas
awesome it really has given me a fresh idea and if I may add there is also the people who turned marry and joseph away and in doing so turned away god as we are still doing today
I greatly appreciate you for sharing these awesome Christmas Sermon ideas. They gave me the right direction in preparing for my Christmas sermon. Thank you.
Thank you, it’s very useful. Waiting for Good Friday and Easter, too.
Powerful and helpful may the lord continue to grand you wisdom as to write more God bless you
Thank you for your guidelines it help alot
Very useful. More Grace IJN.
Thanks for a beautiful sermon or topic it will help all the servant of God to prepare a good sermon or topic during Christmas season
Thanks a lot.It helps me to know and preach to others.
This is simply resourceful, awesome.
Thanks for the Christmas sermon topics that you have arranged serially. This will be a great help for the young pastors like me. Thank you once again may God bless you.
Thanks for these verses sir Brandon… God bless..
My pleasure Jory.
Great Ideas!
Correction: #21 should be “Prince of of Peace”. Although an arrogant pastor might think of himself as the “Prince of Preach”. Lol.
Haha. Wow. Thanks for catching my typo!
thanks for my new twitter name 🙂
Haha. That would be awesome 🙂
Thank you. I also thank God for giving you the knowledge and wisdom to do this.
May God bless you my brother
Thank you sir. very much useful.