The 5 P’s of Preaching

Have you ever bombed a sermon? I definitely have more times than I want to remember.

The thing I find to be true is that most of the time when I preach bad it was because I didn’t prepare properly:

  • I got too busy during the week and didn’t put the time in.
  • I cut corners and preached something that I heard someone else say.
  • I just started writing and didn’t take the time to pray and seek direction from God.

That is why I am a firm believer in the 5 P’s of Preaching:

5 P's of Preaching

Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Preaching.

If you want to preach a great sermon, you have to prepare properly.

You cannot coast on talent alone. You cannot ride solo on only a good idea. You have to put in the hard work. You have to put in the time.

Because of this, I have a tried and true sermon writing method that I have used for years. It keeps me focused on putting in the real work that is needed to write a compelling sermon.

It has worked wonders for me.

Want to know what it is?

Well… this week I sat down and created a cool resource for all of you. I call it “The 7 Step Sermon Prep Checklist.”

It’s a checklist designed to walk you through the same seven step process that I use to write my messages.

Just print this bad boy out, put it on your desk, and check it off as you work on writing your next sermon.

You can get it absolutely FREE with a subscription to my email list!

Sign up and you will get the Free 7 Step Sermon Prep Checklist, as well as weekly tips and updates from the site.

It’s really a win-win scenario here.

So, what are you waiting for? Click here to subscribe!

(P.S. If you are already a subscriber, thank you! I already sent it to you days ago.)

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  1. What about the Holy Spirit? There are times when proper preparation just wasn’t allowed. Some of those I bombed, but others (the one’s I prayed for the Spirit to speak through me) where better than anything I could have prepared on my own.

    Having said that, I prefer the Spirit to speak through me when I’m preparing the sermon, and then continue as I deliver it. Either way the Spirit needs credit.

    1. Good point. The Holy Spirit plays a huge role.

      For me the Holy Spirit is part of the preparation process. I start preparing by praying, seeking God’s guidance, and asking the Holy Spirit to speak through me.

      The Holy Spirit is involved in the preparation just as much as the delivery.