Big Announcement: My Next Step

If you are on my email list, you got a little inside info into what’s going on with my work last week.
I was overwhelmed with hundreds of responses, and I cannot thank you all enough for your help and encouragement.
In a nutshell, I’ve been wrestling for months with feeling that God is calling me to write about more than just preaching.
Don’t worry, preaching is still a huge passion of mine, but God has given me more to give.
So after much prayer and reading your replies, I’ve decided to keep focused solely on preaching and ministry, and I’m excited to announce that I will also be resurrecting my long-abandoned blog,
3 Reasons Why
Why start a second website?
A lot of factors have led to this decisions, but here are three big ones.
1. I have more to talk about than just preaching.
Five years in, I’ve written books, created courses, and talked a lot about preaching. And I will continue to write about preaching, but I have more I need to say. will allow me the flexibility to write about what God is teaching me in different seasons of life without locking me into just one subject.
More importantly, I believe God will use this work to inspire and encourage thousands of believers, and even lead unbelievers to faith in Jesus.
2. God is calling me to a ministry of writing and speaking.
I love the local church. I love being a pastor. But God has been stirring this within me for a long time, and I’ve been resisting it.
I will continue to serve in the church, create resources for the church, and pastor people through this new ministry.
I’m not leaving the ministry; I’m stepping into a new ministry role that I never saw coming.
I still desire to continue preaching as God opens doors of opportunity. Honestly, my biggest fear is that I won’t be able to preach as often.
3. I always challenge people to take bold leaps of faith.
I can’t think of a single person in the Bible (or all Christian history for that matter) who followed God’s leading in a way that didn’t require a bold leap of faith.
Well, this is a big leap for me and my family. I’m so grateful to have a wife who is supportive and fully onboard or I wouldn’t be able to do this.
The income from my writing and other projects has grown enough that we will still be able to provide a home and food for our family, but it’s less than we could make with a stable church salary.
Please pray that God continues to provide, because it’s a bit scary.
What to Expect
As I said before, is not going anywhere. I’m still 100% committed to creating high-quality articles and resources for you every week.
I’m not stepping back; I’m leveling up.
I’ll have more time now to produce more articles, videos, books, and resources for you.
So if you’re still reading this and you’re interested in my new work, check out and let me know what you think, because it’s still a work in progress.
And if you’re just interested in articles and resources to help you preach better, stick around because it’s only getting better around here.
Thank you all so much for taking this ride with me.
This wouldn’t be possible without you reading, sharing, and supporting my work.
It’s exciting. It’s scary. But I know it’s what God is calling me to do. So here we go.
Exciting days are ahead!
More grace to you
May God give you more creative thoughts
God bless your wonderful wife, and your ministry. May you be filled with great joy as you take further steps in faith. Dr Yetunde Akorede, Nigeria
Thank you!