Help Pick a Topic for our Next Series

It’s time to start working on our next series!

But first, please take a moment, close your eyes, and pray. Ask God to guide us through this process together as one so that we can bring glory and honor to him.

Framework Reminder

If you haven’t yet read the FAQ, please do so we are all on the same page about how this process will work.

We want to create sermons that might be a good fit in three months so your church has time to prepare in advance (though you can use the series whenever you would like).

Since it’s December now, let’s think about what might be a good fit in March.

Each month we are rotating between a passage series and a topic series. This month we’ll be doing a topic series.

A topic series can be about anything that the Bible speaks about.

How This Works

Today and tomorrow, we’ll gather ideas.

I’ll start us going with a few thoughts, but please contribute your ideas in the comments below (and please explain why if you feel strongly about it).

Last month, we went with one of your ideas, not mine. And I’m so glad we did because all of us are better than just one of us.

On Thursday, we’ll put the ideas up for a vote.

Ideas For A Topic Series In March

Ready? Let’s hear some ideas. I’ll start:

  1. Money – Taxes are due in mid-April in the United States so money is on a lot of people’s minds as they prepare in March.
  2. Names of God – A few weeks highlighting some of the different names for God in the Bible, and what these names tell us about who God is.
  3. Spiritual Disciplines – Talk each week about the importance of a different spiritual discipline like prayer, Bible reading, rest, generosity, etc.

What do you think?

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  1. Looking at a broader list of topics from this dude:

    All 3 you mentioned interest me, but when I was looking at your 100 ideas for topics I came across one on hell. That got me thinking. I can’t remember the last message I’ve heard on hell. Jesus spoke a lot about it and I think it highlights God’s grace when we Biblically teach heaven AND hell. It might not be popular, but that would intrigue me to work through the topic of hell. But…I’m game for whatever.

    1. That’s a bold choice. I would be game to do a series on hell. Honestly, I think it would be really intriguing for a lot of people if it’s handled the right way. Especially, as you said, if it is placed in comparison to the paradise of heaven. I’ll put it on the list for our vote.

      By the way, I’m glad you found my list helpful.

  2. I’ve never preached or taught much on money, we’ve always said if God’s got your heart He has your pocketbook. But I think it might be a good topic for younger and older members. Our church could also use spiritual discipline. Both topics are needed at our church

    1. That’s a great saying. But yeah, I think it would be helpful to talk about some Biblical money principles. Even for me, though I know what the Bible teaches, I always find it helpful to have reminders too because it is so easy to get off track with finances. Plus, like you said, finances are an indicator of where your heart is, and we might realize that our hearts have drifted from where they should be.

      Thanks for the feedback.

  3. Spiritual disciplines sounds like a great topic. Dallas Willard is a good source.

    1. Yes! Willard’s Spirit of the Disciplines is a classic. Such a good book. We would definitely use that for part of our research notes. Richard Foster’s, Celebration of Discipline, and Donald Whitney’s, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, are also among my favorites.