Vote For Our Next Series Topic

Time to vote!

To give everyone time to weigh in, the poll will be open from now until Friday at midnight (MST).

We’ve gathered all of your ideas from the last few days and put them in a poll.

Please vote below for your favorite series topic.

If you would like to make a case for why we should choose one topic over another, please do so in the comments section. We’d love to hear your thoughts.

As always, I will not vote. But in the case of a tie, I will make the final call so that we can move forward.

Thank you for voting!

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  1. I’m not the best at using a computer or emails but I just wanted to thank Brandon and all the team members for the first series as a bi vo preacher this is going to be a wonderful tool for me to use Thank you!!

    1. Tim, you have no idea how much this means to me. Helping pastors like you is my only goal with this. I’m thrilled to know that all the hours of hard work going into this is helping you. Thanks!

  2. These are all excellent topics! Crowdsourcing for the win!

  3. All potential topics are excellent possibilities. I voted for heaven and hell because we have lacked consistent biblical preaching on these vital truths.