PLEASE READ: Preaching Team Update

Hey team, I have some good news and bad news.

The good news is that I have received an unexpected offer to come on staff at a church near my home. After much prayer and consideration, my family and I feel God’s hand in it, so I will be joining their team soon.

The bad news is that this means that it will no longer be responsible for me to keep Preaching Team going.

It has been an awesome project. The feedback from all of you has been incredible. And I have seriously loved every minute of it. Unfortunately, the level of work it requires has taken a big toll on me and affected my time with my family. So I cannot responsibly keep it going while also taking on full-time pastoral work. My family would never see me.

So I just wanted to say thank you for joining Preaching Team. It has been an honor working on this with you all.

As of today, I will shut down the payment system, no longer accepting future sign-ups. You should not be charged again.

I will keep my commitment to deliver this Spiritual Disciplines series that we have been working on. It will be ready next week.

So for now, please make sure that you have downloaded all of the resources that you want to have. And stay posted for directions to download our last series.

Also, please know that Pro Preacher will continue to run. I’ll continue to post more preaching resources and articles just as before. I hope to continue serving you all and many other churches there.

My heart is heavy in shutting this down. I have agonized over this decision, but I know that God has a plan, and I hope that these last few months and the series that we have created have been a blessing to you.

Thank you.

God bless, Brandon Hilgemann

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