2022 Sermon Calendar

What are you preaching about this week? What about next week? Or the week after that, or the week after that, and then the week after that?
Do you know?
If you preach once a week, that’s a ton of new sermon content that you are creating each year! Some of you are preaching even more than that—some less. But either way, it’s a huge weight and responsibility to have to continually prepare one sermon after another.
This is why I firmly believe that every pastor needs a sermon calendar. I don’t care if you are a senior pastor or the youth pastor, or even a Sunday school teacher. If you are charged with the holy responsibility of teaching the Word of God to the people of God, you need to be organized and prepared with a plan for the weeks and months ahead.
Three Reasons every pastor needs a sermon calendar
Planning and preparation make for better preaching.
I believe in the 5 P’s of preaching: Proper preparation prevents poor preaching.
When you have a sermon calendar you are planning in advance and thinking in advance, and you are doing your job to make sure you are prepared long before the sermon.
You’ll have more time to internalize and think about the message.
Knowing what you are preaching takes a massive weight off your shoulders.
It is such a burden to week after week come up with another new message. When you have it mapped out, and you know where you’re going, you can sit down every Monday know where you are headed rather than trying to figure out where to go.
This takes a lot of stress off your shoulders.
Your team, if you have one, will be able to help you more. They can work better when they know what to expect from you. What graphics can they make? What songs would fit with the message? What should be in the services?
They can prepare all the things that work around what you are preaching.
And if they know in advance, they’ll be able to do their beset work rather than scrambling at the last second because you haven’t finished your message and the week is almost over.
Get Your 2022 Sermons Ready
You could spend valuable time making your own or save time and use my 2022 sermon calendar. I’ve spent hours making this spreadsheet and a printable calendar planner for you.
Here’s what you get:
- A beautiful, customizable Excel spreadsheet (XLSX file that can be opened in Excel, Numbers, or Google Sheets).
- An alternative PDF version that you can print and write on if that is more of your creative style.
- File options to include United States holidays or no holidays.
- A full 100% money-back guarantee.
It’s time to get organized. You have nothing to lose.
Now, if that is not enough and you want more help, I also have two books on preaching, and even a preaching course called Best Preaching Year that will help you get months ahead on your sermon planning and preparation using my proven 7-step sermon prep system.
Don’t let this year be like other years where you are stressed week to week about your next sermon. Get organized, and if you need some tools, get mine at ProPreacher.com/store or if you don’t like what I have, get something else that works for you and get started.
The call is too high and the work too vital for you to put this off any longer. It’s time to get your preaching organized and unleash the freedom and creativity that comes with having your sermons planned.
Absolutely fantastic. Please need the calendar
When will the 2023 calendar be available for purchase?
It’s up on the site now https://www.propreacher.com/product/2023-sermon-calendar/
I’m interested in this product. How much does it cost and how can I order?
Just purchase your 2022 preaching calendar, but did not receive a link for download. Thanks. Order # 8446
Sorry to hear that. I just sent you an email. But please check your spam folder in case it got caught up in there.
I sent an email, but the link for the purchase was not sent to me. Please help me!
Thanks, Gregory. Just sent you an email.
Thank you. I believe in the importance of advanced preparation for
excellent output. Truly glad for your work.
I have used a Sermon Calendar for about 20 years. Not as colorful as yours but done using Excel. I preach twice every Sunday. Try to plan out a year in advance. I try to run a series in one the time usually the evening. Great video.
You’re doing a great work. Keep it up.
Yes I want the calendar
Yes, kindly send me your preaching calendar.
I love this great work. Please kindly send me your annual calendar.