10 Christmas Gift Ideas for Pastors

10 of the Best Christmas Gift Ideas for Pastors

A lot of pastors gain ten pounds in December because every ministry gives them the leftover Christmas cookies and desserts from their events. Plus, other well-meaning churchgoers bring even more baked goodies to say, “Thank You” and “Merry Christmas.” While we appreciate the gesture, pastors don’t need another batch of Christmas cookies. Instead, give them…

How to end the pursuit and finally be happy

How to end the pursuit and finally be happy

Do you ever feel like happiness is around the corner—that if you just get there, then you’ll finally be happy? We all do. But what happens when you get there is that you see another there to reach. Happiness is an elusive destination that humanity has sought for generations. The brilliant French thinker, Blaise Pascal, may have said it best…