Teen Says She’s Pregnant With Baby Jesus (Sermon Illustration)

Teen Says She’s Pregnant With Baby Jesus (Sermon Illustration)

A 19-year-old girl made headlines recently by declaring that she was pregnant. But this was no normal pregnancy. Haley proclaimed, “I am pregnant, and it is Jesus.” Haley truly believed she was 9 months pregnant with baby Jesus. “I know my pregnancy is real. I’ve gained at least 22 pounds,” Haley said. “I was sleeping…

7 Preaching Lessons from Martin Luther

7 Preaching Lessons from Martin Luther

Martin Luther was a preaching machine. Luther preached around 4,000 sermons in his life (2,300 have been preserved). On average, he preached 120 sermons per year. That’s a sermon every three days.1 And we think preaching every seven days is hard! Luther never used a manuscript. Although he studied well in preparation, he preached extemporaneously…