sermon illustration on attitude

Greatest Pitcher In The World (Sermon Illustration)

Your attitude changes how you see the world. When you look at something, do you first see the positive or the negative? Are you a glass-half-full or a glass-half-empty kind of person? Maybe you need to change your perspective. A boy, playing baseball alone, was heard to say, “I’m the greatest hitter in the world.” He…

God Answers Prayer and Heals an Aneurysm (Sermon Illustration)

God Answers Prayer and Heals an Aneurysm (Sermon Illustration)

The Bible tells us to pray for healing. We may not always experience a miraculous healing, but we never know when God will answer in a powerful way. There are countless stories of answered prayers that doctors cannot explain. Here is one example: Shortly after we started praying for people in public in our services,…

Compliments Change a Marriage (Sermon Illustrations)

Compliments Change a Marriage (Sermon Illustrations)

Compliments are powerful. A few words of encouragement can go a long way in building others up. Likewise, negative words tear people down. This is especially true in marriage. Several years ago, I was sitting in my office with my door open. A lady walking down the hall said, “Have you got a minute?” “Sure,…