Sermon illustration on purpose

If You Were a Christian, Why Didn’t You Tell Me About Jesus? (Sermon Illustration)

How many Christians have missed a chance for evangelism because they were ashamed of talking about Jesus? Too often we are guilty of “being ashamed of the gospel of Christ.” We’re embarrassed about bearing witness for fear that we might be violating the rules of social propriety. Our failure to talk about Jesus cheats some of…

sermon illustration on purpose

Winchester Mystery House (Sermon Illustration)

Without a purpose for your life or ministry, you will have a lot of activity with little progress. Nestled in the suburbs of San Jose, California, is an interesting tourist attraction: an estate built by the heir of the Winchester rifle fortune. In 1884, a wealthy widow named Sarah L. Winchester began a thirty-eight-year construction project guided…

sermon illustration on stress

Children Suffer From Secondhand Stress (Sermon Illustration)

Does our busyness negatively impact our children? In the “Ask the Children” survey, researcher Ellen Galinsky interviewed more than a thousand children in grades three through twelve and asked parents to guess how kids would respond. One key question asked the kids what one thing they would change about the way their parents’ work was…

sermon illustration on doubt

Doubting God Because of Broken World (Sermon Illustration)

Since the world is broken, can God really exist? A woman I know named Sheryl went to a salon to have her nails manicured. As the beautician began to work, they began to have a good conversation about many subjects. When they eventually touched on God, the beautician said, “I don‟t believe God exists.” “Why…