Christian Fasting: I only drank water for three days

I fasted, having nothing but water, for three days and documented my experience. Here’s what I learned.
Day 1 – Morning
Alright, it is day one of my fast. I just woke up a little while ago, got the kids off to school, ate breakfast, and all that good stuff. It’s a little crazy. Not really sure how it’s going to all go. I’m a little worried I’m going to get really, really hangry. That’s something I’m going to have to keep an eye on, and not blow up at people because I’m hungry. I’m a pretty big guy. I really like to eat food. But fasting is an important thing in the Christian faith, and it’s something that I have not done very well. Something I think the church doesn’t really understand fully. So I’m to be fasting here for the next few days, and we’ll see how long I can go, and we’ll see how it works.
I’m just drinking water for this fast. Which means, I’m cutting out coffee. Ugh. I’m a little worried about that. I love a good cup of coffee in the morning. I usually have about a cup a day. And I think that’s gonna be hard. I’m expecting I’ll get some headaches. I’m expecting I’ll probably have some caffeine withdrawal, some sugar withdrawal—whatever else. But, yeah, we’ll give it a try. In Christian fasting, fasting is always connected to prayer for something. It’s not just something you do to lose weight. I’m not doing this to lose weight, although I could afford to lose a pound or 10 or 20. But the reason I’m fasting is because I have a family member who is in very, very rough shape right now in critical care right now in the hospital who is this is fine for their life. So I’m praying, fasting, and begging God for a miracle. Begging God to do something awesome and save this person’s life.
So here goes. I’m fasting. It’s day one. I’m trying to keep my normal routine. I’m gonna try to not make a big deal about it. Usually, I go for a run in the morning, but since I’m going to be fasting, I’m not sure that running is the best idea. I’m afraid I’m going to get dizzy or pass out or something. So rather than scaring everyone in the neighborhood or potentially hurting myself, I’m just going to go for a walk and then I’ll get my day started from there.
It’s eight in the morning right now. My last meal was at 6 PM last night. So I’ve officially been fasting, as we all do every night while we’re sleeping, for about 14 hours now. And we’re going to see how long I can go.
I’m going to document this and see, hoping to encourage you guys to try it out as well.
Day 1 – Noon
It is noon on day one, which means I’ve been fasting about 18 hours or so. I’m starting to get kinda hungry. My body is saying, “Hey, it’s lunchtime. Why aren’t you eating right now.” So I’m going to go and have my lunch right here (water). I’m just starting to get a bit of a dull headache that I thought would be coming on. My body is starting to say, “Hey, go grab some food.” It’s starting to hurt a little bit. I’m starting to feel a little bit tired, but so far so good. Not too bad. We’ll see tonight. I think it’s going get worse.
Day 2 – Morning
It’s day two, about 7 AM, which means I’ve been fasting now for about 37 hours. And last night I actually slept pretty good. I thought it was going to be a lot more difficult. I thought I’d have a lot more hunger pain at night, but I just drank a bunch of water before bed, and I didn’t wake up with any hunger pain. I did have to pee a couple of times. But I had a good night sleep, and this morning I’ve got a little bit of a dull headache, but it’s not any worse than it was yesterday and I’m actually feeling okay.
One of the things that’s been really cool so far is just that reminder every time I start thinking about food, since I’m trying to focus more on God than I am eating—to feast on God and not on food—it’s been cool every time I think about food to remind myself to pray instead. So I’ve been spending a lot more time in prayer or just sending up little silent prayers to God, just quick ones every time I think about foods, asking for his help, asking for is his help in this situation I’ve been talking about. And it’s just been a really cool thing just to have this constant reminder to pray, and I feel like I’ve been kind of in a lot more of a constant flow of conversation with God.
Day two is on the way, and I’m ready to do it. Let’s do this thing.
Day 2 – Night
It is just past 8 o’clock, the night of day two, which means that I’ve been fasting for over 50 hours now. And I’m starting to feel it. Today was a bit rough. It was a lot harder than the day one was.
The hardest part of the day, I had to go to the grocery store to get some food for my family, and the grocery store was tortured. It was so bad. If you are fasting, avoid the grocery store if at all possible. It was tough.
The hardest thing was walking in there, and the grocery store has a Starbucks in it. And I’m smelling the fresh-brewed coffee people are ordering, and then I turn the corner, and I smell all these fresh pastries and doughnuts that they had out. Ohhh, I want one so bad!
The headache is a little less dull than it used to be, but I still have kind of a dull headache. It still feels a little rough. My energy level is a little low.
One of the things that was really tough for me today was my focus was just nonexistent. I had no ability to focus. I was sitting in my office trying to get a bunch of work done today, trying to do some projects I had, and my ability to stare at the screen, and focus, and think, and process stuff correctly was just gone.
Another thing I found myself doing today is just walking towards my refrigerator and just opening it, and just staring for a little bit. And then I shut the door again, just basically torturing myself looking at food. But other than that I’m actually feeling alright. My energy level is not quite right where it is. My focus isn’t quite there. I’m a little bit fuzzy and foggy, but I’m feeling pretty good. Still, again, it’s been really cool just every time I’m getting hungry I’m trying to remind myself, Okay, just focus on God instead and pray. Talk to him about it.” to rely on God for sustaining me and taking care of me and not just food. And it’s been a really, pretty incredible experience in that regard.
I had a great Bible study this morning. And the Bible verse is actually corresponding to eating food. I was like, “Aww, you gotta be kidding me!” But I actually got some pretty great take away from it, and I’m really feeling just more spiritually attuned right now.
Day 3 – Morning
It’s the morning of day three. It’s about 7 AM right now, which means I have been fasting for over 61 hours. Oh man, that’s a long time. Did not think I was going to be able to make it that long. And I’m feeling a lot better this morning. I heard a lot of people say on day three you start to feel better, and truly my headaches I’ve been having the last two days are gone. I have a little bit more energy this morning. I can feel it already, and so far it feels pretty good. Now, I am still hungry, but it’s not as bad as it was yesterday morning. So I’m hoping that it stays that way today, but we’ll see.
One of the coolest things about fasting has been just really exercising my self-control in my discipline, and really stretching my muscles to see, okay, how much can I be self-controlled? How much can I resist the temptation to give in, even with something as simple as eating?
And I was reading my Bible my quiet time this morning, that verse in first Corinthians chapter 10, that no temptation has overtaken us except what’s common. No temptation has come at us except what’s common to man, but God always provides a way out (1 Cor 10:13). And a lot of times we have so many temptations in life to sin, so many temptations to give in to greed, or pride, or to lust, or whatever else it is, and we feel like we are powerless. But God says, “Look, no temptation has overtaken you except what is common to man, and you have the power through me to get out of this. I will give you a way out. And you can endure these temptations.” And I feel like, through fasting, I’m kinda working that muscle of self-control and enduring temptation. And it’s giving me a lot more confidence in my own abilities, through Christ, to overcome these temptations, to overcome these struggles, and to really be more self-controlled, and more disciplined in my life.
So it’s been a really cool experience, and I feel like my time with God has been more fruitful, my prayer has been better. I’ve been praying throughout the day every time I’m feeling like I want to have food, I pause, I stop, and remind myself to to feed off of God, not just off of food. And it’s been a really, really cool experience.
So today’s going to be my last day. I’m excited about that. I’m looking forward to dinner, but I want to go the full three days. I’m just kinda shocked that I was actually able to do it, and it wasn’t quite as bad as I thought it was going to be. And today I’m actually feeling pretty good so far, so we’ll see how that goes.
Day 3 – Night
Well, it is almost 6 PM on day three, which means I am counting down the seconds until I am done with this fast. It’s been nearly three days, proximally 72 hours, and I’m actually feeling pretty good.
Day three has been a bit more of a breeze actually, surprisingly enough. Yesterday I had a lot of really bad headaches. Today I’m feeling really good. I had a lot more energy today. I was able to get a lot more work done. My focus was back, I could really hone in on things, and I really felt pretty good. Actually, thinking about it, I really feel like I could probably go another day or two if I had to. But I promised I was going to break it off on three days, so I’m going to break it tonight. I’m going to go have dinner with my family here in a few minutes. They’re really excited for me to join them again. I’ve been sitting with them while they’re eating, but I haven’t been eating with them.
So I’m really looking forward to it. I cannot wait. Oh man, I’ve been thinking about food all day. Actually, the hardest part today has literally been just counting down the last few hours here, waiting for dinnertime. As long as I’m not thinking about food, I can handle it okay, but when I start thinking about that food that I’m about to put into my mouth, oh man, it feels like time has slowed down to a standstill here, waiting for these last few minutes to tick by.
But I did it—three days of fasting. And I’ll tell you; I’m really glad I did it. It’s been a really cool experience. The spiritual aspect has been awesome. I have really felt like I’ve connected more with God. My prayer time has been really good and productive. My time in the Word has just been really fruitful. And I really just feel like, man, it’s just been a really awesome experience.
I also feel like I’ve kind of proven to myself that I have more willpower and strength, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to really resist temptation more.
And I know some of you are wondering, “Okay, what are the physical effects of fasting?” Now, the reason I’m fasting is for spiritual reasons I want to make sure that’s clear. That’s the reason you fast in the Bible. It’s not just for weight loss, but there are physical benefits as well.
I just did my final weigh-in, and I’ve lost a grand total of 11 pounds in three days. That’s pretty crazy.
Alright, that’s it. I’m gonna go eat. Later.
Hi Pastor. I really would have loved to hear how God has stepped in to help your family member that is in critical condition. I pray that God has answered your prayer concerning your family member because of your diligence with this fast. God bless you and your family in 2025.
Thank you so much for your post, this has encouraged me to keep going, I’m currently on day 2 11pm an hour to day three and my stomach is growling, I’ve been sniffing foods here and there but I choose to keep going and not eat, I’ll start praying anything u think about or smell food so that should help too, I’m looking forward to my result of my fasting and prayer and I know my ElROI won’t fail me. What God cannot do does not exist.
I love to hear your story I’m on day 3 and it’s 12 in the afternoon, I feel really accomplished and u couldn’t have said that better, knowing u have more willpower and strength through Christ himself! It makes u realize what u can accomplish and what sins u can put away for him, god bless
Thank you for your post! I’m currently on day 1 – night time. It’s been pretty rough but I’m pushing through. That’s a great way to think instead of thinking of food, just pray! Thank you, praying that’ Jesus will come and show himself in ways I wouldn’t imagine!
God bless. Again, thank you
Thank you for sharing your story. I’m just going into the evening of day two and googled about headaches because I woke up with a blinding headache this morning and, although it eased a little, I ‘ve had a bad headache all day. I really loved hearing that other Christians are fasting to grow spiritually. I don’t feel so alone … thank you.
Hi! I just had to tell you that I absolutely loved reading your experience with your three day fast. Some parts made me laugh because I understand the feeling. I’m currently 36 hours in and thought about giving up. I’m grateful God brought me to your testimony. Stomach growling as we speak. Pray for me if you can!
Thank you for sharing your experience
I really enjoyed reading this article and the comments to it too. I’m on my second day right now and it was encouraging to see how the person in this article and some in the comments had to endureto finish their fasts and some of the challenges they faced. I’m so excited I made it past day one haha and I agree that every time I think about food or eating, I have to pray or I will start to have an attitude and I want this fast to fully be pleasing to The Most High <3 He is the one who put it on me to fast and I want to get everything I can out of it (spiritually, even if idk exactly why he wanted me to do it. I know he gives good things and wants us to have deliverance) . Whoever reads this next continue on! You can finish with the help of God
I’m now on 38hr which is my second day (midday) and I’m feel very low but also putting my whole trust in god. I feel good just tired is all but I can’t wait to push myself and really challenge my flesh and trust in the Holy Spirit to strengthen my spirit. Also this was a great read to see someone talk about it through each day.
I started my 3 days of fasting on Wednesday.
Apakah setiap berapa jam baru minum air
Reading all this has been encouraging. This is my second time I complete a 3 day water fast. So far; the first day was ok, the second day was easy, and the third day I’m hurting! I’ll get through this in Jesus’ name, Amen!
Just want to be closer to Jesus!
You got this don’t give in!
I have been fasting for a few months and the practice of fasting has made me a more spiritual being and healthier. My communions with the collective consciousness has grown stronger, as I am cleansing my body. My temple is constantly cleansed of physical, mental & spiritual frictions caused by life the negativity removed, as my faculties have come into order and i believe i see the path to enlightenment, and fasting seems to have synchronizing my energy physically, mentally and spiritually. What I received recently was an understanding that we all need to do the best we can with the time we are given. Set an intention and ask for help and watch the miracles.
Thank you for sharing your fasting experience it has really encouraged me as I’m new to fasting and I feel like god is putting it on my heart to start fasting regularly I recently done a 21 day fast just had breakfast, lunch and dinner no junk in-between no coffee just hot water lemon and honey and I really felt closer to god from it so I’m going to do 3 day fast from tomarrow just having dinner at 5pm and just water my next fast wil be a full fast and this has really encouraged me its great that u felt good on day 3, Thanks again for sharing!!!
God 😇🙏
Yeah like others asked… what was the answer to your prayers?
I’m about to do this for GOD’s intervention in situations in my life and was looking for encouragement/ a blueprint.
I started my P&F 2 days ago, the evening of the first day was a little tough. The cook at my workplace brought me fries fish and potatoes just before I left work on that first day. I said to myself what sorcery is this. I came home and wanted to break my fast to eat the fish. The Holy Spirit said put it in the fridge. I obeyed. And never looked at ot again. Drank water went to bed. Slept well woke up at 3am to pray. Then it got rough. The headache is now throbbing from yesterday, my stomach feels a little rough. Woke up and told God I’m breaking the fast the Holy Spirit said remember why you’re doing this. Told God I’m continuing but praying I’m praying for strength. Second day was rough, I almost quit twice. Night of the second day felt so sick, weak and felt like throwing up it was time to pray, went to take a shower and felt like I was gonna faint. Kept praying asking God for strength. Almost quit again. Holy Spirit said you’re almost there, remember why you’re doing this. I couldn’t kneel to pray so I laid down and prayed. I felt sick all night woke ip at 3am to pray but couldn’t pick myself up so I laid and prayed.
This morning day 3. I feel so much stronger. No more feeling ill, you did say day 3 you feel energized. I feel that way today. Thank you for your guidance yesterday I read your post on day 2 when I was looking for encouragement. Thank you for sharing your journey.
What a beautiful story of faith! I’m proud of you!
I have almost the same experience. Ooh my two years old son is there wanting food everytime.i have to cook. I thank God for grace I’m counting hours. Hey!! I can’t imagine I have been cooking for my family And there I tell my body “friend you are going to take water”
I thank God for strength and guidance
Donate your food to someone who needs it. Doesn’t give physical benefits you’re just hurting your metabolism. Spiritual witch doctors won’t heal the damage you’re doing to your body.
Sound insane
I started my water fast today and its been pretty rough for me. Had made a home made chicken noodle soup for the family and home made banana bread which I absolutely LOVE. My home smells like fresh baked banana bread. Been opening and closing the fridge so I can definitely relate to the blogger. Its hard but I’ve never done this before and want to truly honor my heavenly father.
Congrats on finishing your fast.
– Jackie Bautista
Im starting mine tommorrow ! My Heavenly Father knows why. Thank you for sharing your jouney. I pray I will endure. Coffee will be a huge issue for me. Im a pretty heavy lady but that is not why Im doing it. In Jesus name Amen !
Congrats, this was great and encouraging to read 🙂 I wish you and your family the best.
Hey what ever happened to the family member?
Hello I am thankful of your post,however what became often familymember?
Thank you for sharing your experience! This helps those of us considering or about to start a three day fast. God bless you.
Thank you for sharing. It sheds more light
I enjoyed every word. It doesn’t look impossible anymore. Thanks for sharing.ay God answer our petitions even as He helps us to get better too
Hello, thank you so much for explain how the fasting went for you, i know the second day the headache is crucial, its a good incentive to know that the 3er day was better, means that the prince of peace started sustaining you, i would like to know approximately your age, the older you get the hardest its to do a fasting, i know after fasting your battery gets charge to the fullest. Thank u