Francis Chan Rope Illustration (Sermon Illustration)

Years ago I saw Francis Chan use an excellent illustration. He pulled out a long rope to represent the timeline of our existence for eternity.
A small end of the rope was colored red. This part represented the length of our life.
The rest of the rope was white. This part represented our existence for eternity.
The rope stretched across the entire stage.
Chan then made an excellent point that so many of us are just living for this little red part. Pleasure and comfort consume our life in the here and now.
How ridiculous is this?
We worry so much about this one little part. But the choices we make affect all eternity. We only get one chance.
So many people sacrifice eternity just for the here and now. We forfeit eternity for a little pleasure, a little sin.
The smallest part of our existence consumes us, and we fail to see the perspective of eternity.
At the end of this short life, we will all stand before God in judgment. And all that will matter is whether or not we followed Jesus.
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That is very true honest and wise