Help Me Help More Pastors

I’ve got great news! is on pace for another record-breaking year. In fact, we are close to breaking our record for the most page views in a year, and we are only halfway through 2016!
This month alone we hit a new record with over 72,364 page views!
Wow! Thank you!
When I started this blog in 2012, I never expected anyone to read it. I am continually amazed by how much God has blessed it.
Every month thousands of pastors and people in ministry around the world benefit from the articles and resources.
In fact, every week I get emails from pastors in Africa, South America, India, Australia, and more who thank me for the training and resources I create.
With all the good news, I have a problem: As the site grows, the cost to run it has grown too.
There are increasing costs for hosting, email services, site design, tech support for fixing things that break on the site, and more.
For example, I had to find and pay a guy last month to fix some broken code on the site. The job was way beyond my technical know-how.
God has blessed this ministry, but the cost to run it are beginning to outweigh the very small amount of money it generates.
Since the beginning of Christianity, men and women doing the work of ministry have received support from patrons so that they can carry out the work God called them to.
There are many instances in the Bible where patrons are mentioned by name and thanked for their generosity and support in helping spread the Gospel.
ProPreacher is a ministry. As I mentioned above, every month thousands of pastors from around the world benefit from my work.
That is why I am asking you if you would be willing to help support this work.
I have set up a Patreon page. Patreon is an increasingly popular service that helps people raise support from for their work. It is a modern tool to help with an ancient method.
As a thank you for your support, I will be providing rewards like:
- Access to a special patron-only page with exclusive content and updates.
- A free copy of my book, Preaching Nuts + Bolts.
- Personal evaluation, feedback, and coaching on your sermons.
- Answering questions you have about preaching, ministry, starting a blog, or writing and publishing a book.
Based on your level of support, I will offer all of this and more.
- Help cover the rising costs of running a growing website (I have been paying these out of my pocket for years).
- Help invest in better equipment, tools, and services to continue improving the site (potentially adding things like audio and video content).
- Help free me up to spend more time creating articles, books, free resources, and working on the administrative tasks of the site. I will be able to create even more of the content that you love.
- Help invest in growing and improving the site so that more pastors around the world can benefit, grow, and spread the Gospel more effectively.
Have you or someone you know benefitted from ProPreacher?
Please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry.
Visit my Patreon page to check out the rewards and pledge your support.
And thank you! Your generosity and the generosity of this growing community continually overwhelms me!
It has been a wild ride, and I cannot wait to see how God continues to use this ministry to help train, coach, and encourage thousands of pastors and others in ministry around the world!