Help Pick A Passage for our first series

Are you ready to start the process? If you haven’t yet, READ THE FAQ, so we are all on the same page about how this is going to work.

Now, before we start, please take a moment, close your eyes, and pray. Ask God to guide us through this process together as one so that we can bring glory and honor to him.


This is our first series together, so I think it will be helpful to set a few parameters. It helps to have a basic framework as we all think about the series together.

As you’ll see in the FAQ, We want to create sermons that might be a good fit in three months. But you are welcome to use it whenever you want.

Since it’s November now, we want to think about what might be a generally good fit in February. 

What do you all think about doing a passage series, and keeping this one in the New Testament?

If you read the FAQ, you’ll see that a passage series will be walking through a section or entire book of the Bible.

How This Will Work

Today and tomorrow, we will gather ideas. 

I will start with a few thoughts, but please feel welcome to contribute ideas in the comment section below. And if you feel strongly about it, please tell us why. 

On Thursday (11/7), we’ll collect the ideas and put them up for a vote. The voting will remain open through Friday to give everyone time. If there’s a tie, I will make the final decision so that we can move forward.

If your idea isn’t chosen, please don’t take it personally. It doesn’t mean that it was a bad idea. We can only do one sermon series at a time. Hang onto it and put it back up for consideration the next time.

Ideas for a Passage in the New Testament to Preach Through

Let’s throw out some ideas. I’ll start:

  1. Colossians – It’s a great book, has some variety, and it’s not so long that we couldn’t cover the entire book in roughly 4 to 6 weeks.
  2. 1 Corinthians 13 – Since Valentine’s day is in February, we could talk about love by walking through the famous love chapter, focusing on the different attributes of love each week (patience and kindness, etc.) and how Christ is the perfect example of them all for us to follow.
  3. The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) – What would be better than to preach about the greatest preacher who delivered the greatest sermon of all time?

What do you think? Do you like any of these, or do you have other ideas?

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  1. Sorry I missed this part of the discussion. Will leave a comment just for future. There is a lot rattling in mind these days so I wont share everything. The catalyst theme this year has not left my heart. While most of the messages had little to do with the theme, a few people stayed on topic. There theme was “give us this day.”
    Our church is in a major remodel so maybe thats what it hasnt left me…but the question in my head is what is keeping me from either praying that part of the prayer, believing that part of the prayer, or trusting that part of the prayer. I sure do worry a lot about tomorrow when I should be trusting for today.
    Maybe this is more a prayer request than a topic. 🙂

  2. Hey everyone,
    I’d be keen to prep a series from Ephesians. I have preached through both Sermon on the Mount and Colossians this year.

  3. I like the idea of 1 Corinthians 13 that Brandon presented. I haven’t done many series and I am usually focused on only the upcoming week or two. Like DOWL7553 mentioned, working and thinking ahead will be invaluable. I would like to use the ideas developed here and the calendars Brandon offers to grow and be better prepared in the upcoming year.

  4. Very clever – the idea of 1 Corinthians 13 during February resonates with me. I like the idea of working ahead like this. I’ll admit, I usually only work on the current series I’m in – so this chance to work and think ahead will be invaluable! – Matthew

    1. Thanks, Matthew. Glad you like that idea. I completely understand how easy it is to get caught in the cycle of only being able to focus on the series at hand when you have so many responsibilities to worry about. That’s exactly why we’re doing this. I’m excited to hear how this helps you.

  5. The holiday (Valentines day) does make a great opportunity for 1 Corinthians 13. However, I would love to dive into the rich truths in the book of Ephesians that John suggested. Talk about a never ending discussion of rich gems from that book! The divisiveness and struggles we deal with in our culture today would make this book a great choice as an antidote (solution) for today’s pressures.

    1. Thanks for the input, Tim. This kind of feedback is invaluable. And Ephesians truly is a rich and relevant book. I’ll make sure it’s up for the vote tomorrow.

  6. Brandon
    Great suggestions. I am currently doing the sermon of the mount. Last week I just finished chapter 6. I am open to all three but since I am currently doing the sermon on the mount I would be alright with either of the other two. In addition, may I suggest a the book of Ephesians too.
    Pastor John

    1. Thanks for the feedback and suggestion, John. I’d hate to do a series that you are already doing right now. So we’ll definitely set the Sermon on the Mount aside for another time.

      I love Ephesians. Good choice. We’ll put it on the list.