I Am Not Pro Preacher – The Meaning Behind The Name

There seems to be some confusion out there that grieves me deeply. Every now and again, people get the impression that I have given myself the title “Pro Preacher.” Nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, I have considered changing the website’s name simply because I don’t want anyone to misunderstand.
Just recently, someone wrote a comment that said, “I listen to you because you’ve introduced yourself as pro preacher.”
I get comments like these every so often, so I think I need to make this as clear as I possibly can: I am not “Pro Preacher.”
Pro Preacher is simply the name of the website I started.
When I first started writing online back in 2012, I wanted to share what I was learning about preaching as I was learning it. I didn’t expect anybody to read it. I didn’t think that I would ever have much of a following. ProPreacher.com was birthed out of a desire to grow to become the best preacher that I could be for God’s glory.
In fact, I wrote anonymously for years because it wasn’t about me, and I honestly didn’t think anyone would care anyway.
When I first started writing about preaching, I decided to give the site a name other than my own because it’s not about me. My goal, if anyone ever stumbled upon my little website and read anything I wrote, was to help other pastors like me preach better by sharing what I learned as I grew in my preaching too.
One of the things I have discovered about myself is that I learn better when I write about it. Writing has a way of forcing you to clarify your thinking. It also helps you remember stuff better since you wrote about it.
In addition, good writing can lead to good preaching. One of the best ways I know how to get better at writing is simply to write more. So I was also practicing my ability to communicate better.
So I thought that writing about my journey and experiences would help me grow so that I could minister better to others, and maybe someday, these words could somehow help others too.
I was shocked when articles began to get shared, and people noticed. When major websites started asking me to publish my articles, I didn’t know what to do. But praise God; he has been able to use my work to help thousands of pastors around the world.
I’m blown away by what God has done with this.
Why The Name Pro Preacher?
In case I wasn’t clear enough earlier: I am NOT pro preacher.
There are three reasons I settled on the name Pro Preacher for a website about preaching.
The first reason I chose the name Pro Preacher was that I didn’t want to put my name on it.
As I mentioned earlier, I wrote anonymously for years. The only reason I began putting my name on the website was that after my online influence grew, I realized that people were more likely to relate to a real person with a face and a name. So I nervously put my photo on the website and eventually began doing a few videos where people could see me.
The second reason I chose the name Pro Preacher is that a lot of other website domain names were already taken.
I had a big list of name ideas that I couldn’t use because somebody had already bought the domain name, even though most were not being used. After typing many different ideas into the domain name search engine, “ProPreacher.com” was one of the few available. So I snatched it up.
The third reason I eventually settled on the name Pro Preacher was that I liked the name’s dual meaning.
Most people hear the word “pro” and think professional. I hope we all take our work in preaching seriously (paid or not). In this understanding, you could say that I am a pro preacher because I work as a pastor, and preaching is part of my professional work.
Pro doesn’t mean that you are the best. It simply means that you work doing it. In that sense, most preachers are pros.
But what I liked even more about the word “Pro” is that it can also mean something you are for. For example, when people say that they are pro life. In this sense of the word, this website was going to be “for preachers.” And that is what ultimately led me to choose the name.
Pro Preacher is not about me. It never has been. But I will share my experiences and what I’m learning in hopes that it might help. All I have to offer is what the Bible says and what I am learning as I follow Christ in ministry.
I am not the best preacher ever. I have never claimed to be. I am simply a faulty man on the journey to become the best preacher I can be for the glory of God, not for myself.
So I hope that clears things up.
I am not Pro Preacher.
Pro Preacher is about working hard and dedicating yourself to the vocation (which means “calling”) of preaching. And it is a site that is pro preachers, meaning it is for you.
I am not some preaching guru. I am not a preaching expert. I am just another pastor on the journey of trying to proclaim the good news of Jesus as best as I can to as many as will listen.
All I have ever wanted to do was help other pastors preach better by sharing what I’m learning along the way.
So please don’t make the mistake of thinking I am somehow exalting myself with a self-declared title of “Pro Preacher.” That’s not ever what I intended with the name.
If this ever becomes a hindrance, I’ll have no problem changing the site’s name to something else. I’m not married to a brand name; I’m married to the mission of preaching the gospel and helping others do the same.
In as much as i have been learning from (through this website) for years. I have never thought that you refer to yourself as a “pro preacher”.
Nevertheless, the clarification is important. I don’t think you need to change the name of the website. I think just a disclaimer on the website description will suffice.
Thank you for all the work.
– Shaphic Nkonge, Kampala – Uganda. East Africa.