Introducing the Funeral Sermon Bundle

I’ll never forget my first funeral sermons.
I was a young pastor on the pastoral care rotation at a large church, and I panicked when I got the call that a young mother of three in our church had passed after a long battle with cancer.
Over four hundred people would be in attendance, and it was up to me not to honor this godly woman and not mess it up.
Nobody had ever taught me how to do a funeral, but I stumbled my way through it and managed not to make too many mistakes.
I got in my car to drive home, hoping I wouldn’t have any more funerals any time soon. And that’s when my phone rang again.
The father of a lady loosely affiliated with the church had died, and this father couldn’t have been more opposite than the mother at my first funeral. He was a drug-addict, unbeliever who had abandoned his family long ago. The family was ashamed to admit their relief that he was gone, but they still wanted a small service to honor his memory. Only ten people would be there.
The sermon I wrote for my first funeral wasn’t going to work for the second, and I only had a few days to prepare.
Maybe you can relate.
If you are a pastor, funerals come with the job. But surprisingly few pastors are taught how to preach a funeral.
That’s why I created this.
The Funeral Sermon Bundle
Nobody likes to think about funerals, but they are inseparable from the call to be a pastor.
When someone dies, you don’t have months to prepare a funeral, it’s often a week or less. Plus, you still have your other responsibilities.
You don’t have dozens of hours to spend writing a perfect funeral sermon for every occasion. If you did, nothing else would get done.
Every pastor needs a set of funeral sermons in their toolbox.
That’s why I put together this funeral sermon bundle. I’ve already done the hard work over ten years of ministry putting together these funeral sermon templates for all different occasions.
I’ve learned from some incredible mentors, learned from trial and error, and already done the work for you.
In this bundle, you’ll get five complete, editable funeral ceremony Word documents:
- A general funeral for a believer from Psalm 23
- A funeral for a nonbeliever from Psalm 90
- A funeral for a tragic death from John 11
- A funeral for someone who fought a long battle with an illness from 1 Peter 1
- A funeral for the loss of a child from Mark 10
Simply pick the funeral that fits the circumstances, fill in the name of the deceased, add some personal details, and you’re ready in minutes.
So take the stress out of preaching your next funeral, save time, and download the Funeral Sermon Bundle today.
If for any reason you don’t like them, I’ll give you a 100% refund, no questions asked.
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