Man Chooses Death Over Change (Sermon Illustration)

Why do we cling so tight to our sins?
We know it is hurting us. We know it is slowly destroying us.
We have been warned.
The problem is not a lack of information. For some reason, we would rather die than change.
Thom Rainer tells the following story of a man who refused to change:
Do you know the name Harry Randall Truman? No, he was not a former president. He was a homeowner at the foot of Mount St. Helens in Washington state. In 1980, the volcanic mountain was showing signs of a major eruption. Indeed one expert declared that the chance of a major eruption was virtually 100 percent.
Truman’s home was located at the south end of Spirit Lake at the foot of the mountain. He was living in the most likely path of the volcanic flow. He was facing an almost certain death.
Governmental officials implored him to leave. Friends told him that his failure to move was tantamount to suicide. Family members begged him to leave lest he die.
On May 18, 1980, the massive eruption took place. The lava flowed right in the projected path of Truman’s home.
On May 18, 1980, Harry Randall Truman died.
He just could not let go of his home, even if it meant certain death.1
For many of you today, this is your warning.
You have built your house at the foot of the volcano. The eruption is coming, and you are in danger if you don’t change.
If you do not let go of your sin and give your life to Jesus Christ, your destruction is certain.
It’s coming. But it’s not too late. There’s still hope.
Will you let go and follow Jesus?
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