Prayer and the Richest Man in the World (Sermon Illustration)

Do you know who the richest person in the world is?
In March, Forbes came out with their 2018 list of the richest people in the world, and Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, dethroned Bill Gates as the wealthiest man in the world with a net worth of 112 billion dollars.
Can you imagine what you would do with $112 billion? That’s a lot of money.
Now imagine that you bump into Jeff Bezos, and for whatever reason (maybe you returned a package to him that was delivered to your house instead of his), he promises you he will give you anything you ask for.
What would you ask for?
Would you ask for a sandwich? A pack of gum? $20? No way!
Why not? Because the guy is loaded. He has the ability to give you anything you ever wanted or needed without thinking twice about it.
In fact, Jeff makes so much money that in the time he spent writing you a check for a new car, he would make more than enough to pay himself back.
If someone like him were to offer you anything, you would take advantage of it! You’d be crazy not to.
You would ask for something, something incredible, something that no one else could give you.
You wouldn’t ask him for a cookie or a t-shirt. You would ask for a new house, to pay off your credit card debt, or for a yacht.
You wouldn’t ask for something small when Jeff Bezos could easily give you something big.
So why then do we ask so little of God?
God has blessed us with this amazing gift of prayer. He has asked us to ask him for anything, and we neglect it.
Source: This illustration originally appeared in the article “Are You Crazy to Not Pray More?” on
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