Preaching Quote #3 – Richard Baxter
What would you say if you only had one last sermon?
What would you say if you only had one last sermon?
Every day I share links to preaching articles around the internet. So if you aren’t following ProPreacher on Twitter or Facebook, you should check it out. Here are links to my favorite preaching related articles around the internet this week: Get Over Your Fear of Public Speaking “Most people have a greater fear of public speaking than of…
Like it or not, preaching is affected by far more than just your words. The best preachers don’t just preach with their lips, but with their whole body. A study by Dr. Albert Mehrabian, author of Nonverbal Communication, found that 55% of communication is body language. This means that when a speaker’s words and body…
Do sermon titles make a difference? Does it really matter what you call it if the content is all the same? I think it does. The title of the sermon is what people quickly scan to decide whether or not it is worth looking into. It is just like the headline of a magazine article….
I love this preaching quote by Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
You preach your sermon, finish a long day at church, and head home. Before you know it, it’s Monday morning, and the alarm is ringing. You know what that means: It’s time to write another sermon. You have less than seven days to present another message. The life of your church, the faith of your…
If you missed the free online Preach Better Sermons conference put on by the good people at the Rocket Company, don’t worry. I took a ton of notes. Here are a few of the nuggets I got from each speaker. Steven Furtick He plans 4 months out. The creative team does a series brief for…
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