Preaching Team Coming November 1st

A few weeks ago, I threw out an idea about a preaching team that I have been kicking around in my head and needed some feedback on.
Your feedback was unbelievable.
Many of you commented and sent emails to let me know that you were interested.
There’s nothing I’d rather do than help pastors succeed in reaching more people for Jesus. So it’s exciting to hear that so many of you think that this would be valuable for you and your ministry.
I’m pumped for this idea to become a reality!
You may have noticed that Pro Preacher has been a bit quiet over the last few weeks. That’s because I’ve been hard at work hammering this thing out, taking the rough ride idea, refining it, investing in the site, and building some of the backend technology to make it work.
The Idea
If you missed it, here’s a quick recap of the idea:
Pastors have too much on their plate. You have too many responsibilities: the facilities, the budget, elders meetings, Bible studies, pastoral counseling appointments, hospital visits, preparing a new sermon at least once a week, service projects, outreach events, and more.
You’re balancing so much that you barely have time for all the things that go into pulling off a good sermon series in today’s modern world, especially things like graphics, videos, and deep research.
Maybe you work in a church of thousands of people with a big budget and multiple staff members. But for the average church with a hundred people or less, even a church of 200-300 people, you probably don’t have a huge staff.
You need a preaching team. You need help. You can’t do it all alone.
So I had this idea: What if we worked together and created our own team?
What if we created a site where pastors could come together, pool our resources, share ideas, and together we could create awesome sermon series resources.
The money could be combined to bring in professional help. We won’t write every single message word for word for you because everyone has their own style and unique culture they speak to, but we can put create graphics, videos, research notes, and outlines to give you a big head start in your preparation.
Since so many of you said you were interested, I’ve been diving in to put this together.
Launching November 1st
Preaching Team will launch on November 1st, the day after Halloween.
November 1st will be like a beta launch, and you’ll hear more from me then about where to and how to sign up.
I want to keep this stupid-cheap for you. It needs to be a no-brainer expense for any church with a tight budget.
So I’m happy to let you know that it will cost only $20 per month.
You’ll be in on the ground floor too, so you can help shape what it becomes. I’m going to be listening to you, listening to your feedback so that I can to serve you and help you as much as possible.
What You Will Get
When you sign up, you will get access to three things.
1. Monthly Package
First, You’re going to get a monthly sermon package. The entire series that we create will be packaged together in a download with graphics, outlines for each message, and research notes to help you as you work and prepare and refine it and make it your own.
2. Team Community
Second, you’ll have the option to be as involved as you want with our team. We will build a community where you can share ideas, give feedback, and help us decide the direction we go with each series.
3. Resource Library
Third, you’ll get access to a resource library. The library will include a bunch of the Pro Preacher resources that we’ve already created. Plus, we’re going to keep every sermon that we create together in there too. So you’ll have access to everything as it continues to grow.
It Will Only Get Better
If you have followed me for a while here at Pro Preacher, you know that I like to move quick. I prefer to launch things fast and refine them as we go.
On my own, I’ve got some good ideas. But my isolated thoughts are nowhere as good as all of our ideas together. So we’re going to try some things, listen to your feedback, and keep working to make it better.
So this is going to be like a beta launch. I’m going to make it as nice as I can, but it’s better to get started and make changes based on your feedback than to spend months designing something that will probably need to change based on your feedback anyway.
The great news for you is that you get to be in on the ground floor. You can help me make it better for you right away.
The goal is to make this as helpful for you as possible. If it’s good for you and your church, then we all win.
We are better when we are together, and that’s the way God designed his church to be—all together as members of one body. And this could be an interesting, modern expression of that in a digital world.
So mark your calendar for November 1st.
I’ll have a whole lot more details then. So stay tuned.
If you’re not on our email list, sign up to the email list (below), so you’ll be first to know about it, and you won’t miss any updates.
Until then, keep on preaching.
Wonderful I want in to God be the GLORY