SALE: Big Savings for a Limited Time

Summer is one of the best times of the year for a pastor to work on their ministry, not just in their ministry.
Unless you are a Student Pastor, where summer gets busier, you probably have some extra time to look at the big picture.
Where will you take your church in the next season of ministry? How will you invest in your personal growth?
Well, if you want some resources to help, you are in luck!
From today (Thursday, June 7) until the end of Sunday (June 10), we are having a huge sale!
Check out these deals:
Get Preach and Deliver Kindle Book for only $1.99 (61% off)
Most preaching fails not for lack of content, but deficient delivery. If you preach biblically-based sermons, you have the content. You know the what but haven’t mastered the how.
No matter how good your message, if your delivery is poor, your audience won’t receive the message. Even a great message with poor delivery will result in a bored, or distracted audience.
We must remove all roadblocks from your audience receiving the message. To do that, we need to go back to the basics of sermon delivery.
What are the essential components of good sermon delivery? This book will answer this question and more by teaching you the most important elements of sermon delivery.
Get Preaching Nuts & Bolts Kindle Book for $0.99 (67% off)!
This little book is the kind of resource I wish I had way back when I felt the call to ministry. There were good books on preaching, but most lacked the practical tips I needed. I knew why I preached and what to preach. What I didn’t know was how to preach.
I needed short, practical tips to get me started in the right direction.
Writing a sermon is not as complicated as it may seem. My hope is that this book will save you from the same panic attacks I had.
However, if you are a well-seasoned preacher, don’t think this book isn’t for you. It never hurts to get back to the basics. Writing this book has been just as helpful for me, reminding me of areas I, myself, have strayed from.
In this book, you will learn how to master sermon prep, save time, write better messages, build an amazing illustration database, and more.
Get The Best Preaching Year Course for just $50 (60% off)!
Best Preaching Year is an online preaching course designed to help you get ahead so that you can save time, stress less, and preach better sermons!
By the end of this course, you’ll have:
- 4-6 weeks of sermons written in advance
- 12 months of sermons planned.
- A system to save time preparing your sermon every week that works for your unique schedule
- Plus, you will become a more organized, less stressed, better prepared, and more effective preacher.
Sale Ends Sunday
Let me help you level up your preaching game this summer. Take advantage of these great resources while you can.