Teen Says She’s Pregnant With Baby Jesus (Sermon Illustration)

A 19-year-old girl made headlines recently by declaring that she was pregnant. But this was no normal pregnancy.
Haley proclaimed, “I am pregnant, and it is Jesus.”
Haley truly believed she was 9 months pregnant with baby Jesus.
“I know my pregnancy is real. I’ve gained at least 22 pounds,” Haley said. “I was sleeping one night and my baby punched the bottom of my stomach and kicked me, and I can feel his head right here, right below my belly button.”
But Haley’s mom, Kristi, denied that Haley was pregnant. Haley took numerous pregnancy tests, and they all came back negative.
Regardless of the evidence, Haley did not back down. “My family, my friends, my pastors at church, they don’t believe that I’m pregnant,” Haley said. “I know it’s Jesus. I don’t care if my family disowns me. It really comes down to if you’re a true believer in Jesus or not… I don’t care what the home pregnancy test or a doctor says, when I give birth to my baby, no one is going to deny him because he’s my savior.”
On November 3, 2016, Haley went on the Dr. Phil show to prove everyone wrong. Was Haley really pregnant?
They gave her an ultrasound to uncover the truth.
Turns out, it was just gas.
That’s right. All the punching and kicking she felt… just gas.
We may laugh at this story because it’s so ridiculous but imagine how Mary felt before the very first Christmas—pregnant, but a virgin. Who would have believed her?
What did people say? What looks did people give her? How much did people laugh at Mary behind her back?
If this situation happened today, we might think Mary was just as crazy as Haley was. But there was something different about Mary’s situation.
Mary really was pregnant with the Jesus, the savior of the world.
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