Top Posts of 2017

Thanks to you, 2017 was another record-breaking year of growth here at!
So before we get into the list of top posts this year, I need to say, “Thank you!”
We’ve hit another record year in traffic to the website and launched a number of resources to help pastors.
The Sermon Calendar (for 2017 and now 2018) has helped hundreds of pastors organize their sermon planning.
I released my second book, Preach and Deliver. It became an Amazon Bestseller, and the reviews have been fantastic.
Plus, my first book, Preaching Nuts & Bolts, has continued to sell and collect rave reviews.
I’m incredibly grateful for your attention and support. Without you, none of this would have been possible. Five years ago, when I started this site, I never dreamed that it would do this well. has helped thousands of pastors around the world this year, and (God willing) I see even bigger things coming next year that I cannot wait to tell you about.
Top Posts of 2017 on
1. The 5 Styles of Preachers – Which Are You?
“Understanding your preaching style will help you see how your God-given personality influences the way you communicate God’s Word.
And when you know your style, you can leverage your strengths, and avoid potential pitfalls…”
2. 3 Myths of Expository Preaching
“What is expository preaching? If you ask around you’ll get a variety of answers and definitions. But there’s a lot of misinformation.
So to explain what expository preaching is, there are three myths we need to dispel…”
3. 15 Things Pastors Need to Stop Right Now
“Dear Pastor, I love you. I want nothing more than for you to be all who God wants you to be. So this might hurt a little.
I’m writing you this letter because I have noticed a few things that we have fallen into saying or doing that don’t represent Christ well.
With all due respect, please stop…”
4. 7 Reasons I Believe Jesus Rose from the Dead
“I believe Jesus rose from the dead, but I don’t believe it just because it’s a story I was told as a child. If I did, I might as well believe in fairy tales and dragons.
No, I believe that Jesus rose from the dead because I have investigated the historical evidence and found reason to believe…”
5. 12 Preaching Tips from Charles Spurgeon
“Charles Spurgeon is arguably one of the greatest preachers in the history of Christianity.
The collection of his recorded sermons fills 63 volumes and over 20 million words, making it the largest collection of books by a single Christian author.
Spurgeon was so gifted and influential that it’s no wonder he earned the nickname of the “Prince of Preachers.”
It’s safe to say that we could all learn much about preaching from such a prolific preacher…”
6. 5 Ways to Reach More Millennials at Your Church
“I am one of those ‘entitled,’ ‘snowflake’ babies born between 1980 and 2000.
Being a millennial comes with many unfair stereotypes. While some of the stereotypes are true for some millennials, I know a lot of millennials who break the trend.
But there’s one stereotype about millennials that’s scary because it’s true. Millennials are leaving the church in droves…”
7. 9 Things Pastors Need to Know About Sermon Delivery
“Effective preaching is more than just about what you say. It’s also about how you say it.
Too many sermons fail not because of bad content, but because of bad delivery.
No matter how experienced you are, you should never stop learning. You should always be a student of sermon delivery because there is always room to improve…”
8. The Jesus-Inspired Morning Routine that Changed My Life
“It was hard to wake up the first few mornings, but I felt the difference almost immediately.
I wasn’t stressed. I wasn’t yelling, “Kids, hurry! We’re late!” I had plenty of time.
Soon I noticed that I had more energy, felt better, and was getting more done every day.
Plus, my wife keeps saying how much happier I seem and how much smoother our family runs. And you know what they say: Happy wife, happy life…”
9. 3 Reasons to be Thankful for Bad Sermons
“Although I’m an advocate for powerful, God-glorifying, excellent sermons, the reality is that not all sermons will be the best we’ve ever preached.
So here are three reasons you can take joy in the occasional bad sermon…”
10. 10 Ways Christians Can Fight Depression
“My wife will tell you that it was the darkest year of our life. I was tired and sad every day. I was present with my wife and kids physically, but mentally I had checked out.
Six months in, I finally admitted that I wasn’t just burnt out. I was depressed.
But I’m a pastor! I’m not supposed to get depressed. How could this happen to me?
I’ve never shared this with anyone before (except my wife). And the reason I’m writing about it now is that, by the grace of God, I’ve overcome my depression, and I believe you can too…”
Top Guest Post of 2017
Occasionally, I publish posts from guest writers. (If you’d like to submit a guest post for consideration, click here).
Here’s the top guest post of the year:
4 Steps for Sermons that Stick Past Sunday
By Brandon Kelley from
It’s one thing to preach a message that resonates with people in the moment, but it’s another thing to preach a message that sticks with people well past Sunday and into the following week. But is there really a recipe for sermons that stick past Sunday? I think so…