Vote On The Passage

Thank you for contributing to the previous discussion about the passage that we will do for our first series.

Based on your feedback, we have narrowed the series options down to three.

Please cast your vote below. Voting will be open until midnight (MST) on Friday.

I will not vote, but if the voting results in a tie, I’ll make the final decision so we can move forward.

Thanks for voting!

Next week we’ll decide on a name and weekly breakdown of the series.

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  1. Did a series through Ephesians this year so I voted for another but am excited to help dialogue through whatever is picked. 🙂

    1. Sorry to hear that you may not be able to use this series right away. I really appreciate your attitude about it though. Thanks for being a team player. We’ll try to make sure that the next series works better for you.

      Also, since you did do Ephesians recently, I’m sure you could contribute a ton to the discussion that would be invaluable for everyone else.

  2. Any of these passages is fine with me. Should we follow an approach where we have some type of direction/organization. For instance follow the lectionary. Just a thought when I started brainstorming ideas.

    1. That’s a great question. Next week we’ll go over some different ways that we could break up each week in the series, and there are a lot of different ways we could go with such a large book. So I would love to hear what you think, or what insights the lectionary provides.

  3. Hi all,

    I just wanted to mention that I voted for 1 Corthinians 13, but I would be very happy with either of the other choices also.
    Looking forward to working through the process.