Welcome to the Team! Introduce Yourself
Hey, welcome to Preaching Team! We’re so excited to have you on the team.
Please introduce yourself in the comment section below so that we can get to know you better. Tell us about yourself, your story, and your ministry.
I would just like to say, I want a chance to visit my grandchildren I miss them dearly, I don’t know if you’re giving them the gifts we send or the letters I write. There was no reason for them not to see me. Their GAL even requested it. Please have a heart and do the right thing I love those kids with all my heart
I love this group
I live in Ibadan,am schooling in university of Ibadan,am studying political science.
I love listening to Christian music and I love to sing,am happy went am in mist of children of God.
Am ready to work for God with all my effort may God help me
Hello everyone, I am Wemimo Gbadebo, from Nigerian, I am child of God, I love evangelism, just like propagating the gospel and assisting the less privileges’ with my capacity
I am an Accountant by profession
I am married to a Pastor
Praises be to Christ Jesus, Am Rev. Michael Mwangi of Grace Impact Ministry, Kenya. May God’s power connect and place us, as ministers on ladders of testimonies. May you find new opportunities and fortune descending into your ministry. As we go on with the preaching of the Gospel, these are my prayers and wishes for you; good health, long life, breakthroughs, un-ending wealth, God’s blessings and every good thing that you may think of acquiring in Jesus Mighty Name.
I’m Pastor Paul wafula Deaf persons from Bungoma Kenya and I am preaching the Deaf church and church name is Immanuel church of the Deaf Bungoma and we have 34 Deaf brothers and sisters love God good gospel of fruits words in the bible
Thanks welcome that God bless you more
By Paul Deaf
I love the way.
Type here..Am called peace Montana, am born again, from Uganda East Africa .
I preach door to door.Am glad to be part of ths platform .
Hello everyone, my name is Lesti Adedokun and I’m a Nigerian.
I’m a messenger for the kingdom of God, author, singer, business woman, script writer and politician.
I’m very excited to find this platform and I’m very grateful that it was cratered.
My walk with God began in 2014 with The Holy Spirit revealing my callings for The Kingdom of God to me, giving me numerous encounters with Him and activating seasons and series of transformations, exploits and trainings.
I have authored four books with God’s help titled:
The fourth is a children’s book titled CHRIST’S NAZARENES.
One of my most favourite things to do is responding to the adventures which The Holy Spirit initiates through His word in the secret place.
I enjoy soaking in new worship, listening to new praise songs, wooing The Holy Spirit, receiving songs, advancing the kingdom of God by working diligently to grow and expand the businesses that God has entrusted to me and diligently preparing towards the political service The Lord has called me to for Nigeria.
One of my greatest visions is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ become the culture of every nation of the earth and among every people in all the worlds.
I admire and want to learn how to swim.
Thank you for having me here
Hello everyone, my name is Lesti Adedokun and I’m a Nigerian.
I’m a messenger for the kingdom of God.
I’m very excited to find this platform and I’m very grateful that it was cratered.
My walk with God began in 2014 with The Holy Spirit revealing my callings for The Kingdom of God to me, giving me numerous encounters with Him and activating seasons and series of transformations, exploits and trainings.
I have authored four books with God’s help titled:
The fourth is a children’s book titled CHRIST’S NAZARENES.
One of my most favourite things to do is initiating adventures with The Holy Spirit through His word in the secret place.
Hi, my name is Reentsengdavid, born and raised in Lesotho. I currently live in Lesotho ( Maseru). I serve ASA pastor in a church. I have home church is a small church with 15 members.
HI, I’m Dale,
I’m retired and live with my wife of 47 years in the North Georgia mountains. I enjoy hanging around coffee shops and getting lost in libraries.
My home church is a very small church with 25 members. I preach as a backup at my church and occasionally at others. Perhaps being in a backup mode makes it a little more difficult to hone sermon writing skills. Nonetheless, I am interested in writing a couple of messages a every month.
Welcome to the team, Dale. I hope that you find this helpful.
Hey guys. My name is Nic Williams. Pastor a small-ish church in Sarasota fl. aka paradise. Have always wanted to have a collaboration as I prep preaching. Not sure this is it but excited to give it a try. Our church is in the middle of a 3 mil. dollar remodel currently. You can definitely pray for my sanity. Good news is I made it through today. 🙂
Welcome, Nic. I’m a bit jealous. Where I’m at in Arizona, we have all the sun and sand of Florida without the beach. Praying for you and your remodel today.
My name Is Kent Fowler. I serve as Senior Pastor in a church in Southern Indiana. Thank you and your staff for putting this ministry together to help and encourage all pastors that labor in God’s vineyard!
“Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father;”
1 Thessalonians 1:3 KJV
You’re welcome, Kent. I pray this is a blessing to you and your church.
My name is Kevin Liles and I am a pastor of a two-point charge with the United Methodist Church. I am bi-vocational and am a police officer by day. I am always searching for ideas to improve my sermons and am looking forward to the Christian collaboration that we will enjoy here. Since my schedule is busy this will be the perfect forum for me. Thanks for putting this together Brandon!
Have a great Friday-
Kevin, glad to have you here. I can’t imagine how busy you must be, but I’d love to hear from you sometime how being a police officer has influenced your approach to ministry. I’m sure it probably gives you a different perspective than the traditional pastor.
Hi pastor You are good man of God God richly bless you.
I am pastor Khurram Shahzad from Pakistan founder of spiritual life ministry Pakistan
Hi, my name is Kevin Cunningham. Born and raised in New York City, I currently live in Nashua, NH (north of Boston) and serve a church in Gloucester, MA as the Intentional Interim Pastor. Yes, somehow over the years, I’ve become a Patriots fan.
I’ve been blessed in so many ways including being a husband to Alesa for 32 years and a father to Cathy, Grace, and John. I’ve served in Christian radio, church-planting missions (Milan, Italy), a variety of pastoral ministries, and wrote a book on growing closer to God through prayer.
My current role is bi-vocational so I’ve developed a freelance side hustle with videography and officiating weddings (with premarital counseling) that has me working with people I would normally not get to meet if I stayed in my study.
I’m excited about the group and what God will do through it.
Welcome, Kevin. Glad to have you with us. I won’t even hold being a Patriots fan against you, and that’s saying something 🙂
Hello All –
My name is Dennis Dunn. I am bi-vocational. I work in the oil & gas industry and have been serving as pastor of a small church in Oklahoma City for the last 3 years.
My wife and I have been married for 23 years. She is from this area so we moved here to be close to her family when I retired from the Air Force in 2014.
I’m a Gators fan and in my very limited free time I enjoy reading.
Looking forward to learning, sharing, and growing with the group.
Welcome aboard, Dennis. Sounds like your plate is full! I’d love to hear some time how your military background influences your leadership and perspective as a pastor.
Hey there, I am Tom and I am from Faulkton, SD. I am excited about the potential and value of this endeavor. As a small-town pastor I wear, mamy hats and this is a much-needed resource.
Thank you so much for jumping in with us, Tom. Preaching Team was born from a desire to serve pastors like you. So please let me know how the process works for you and if there’s anything that I might need to consider adding/changing.
Hi my name is Geoff Winter and I Pastor a church here in Hamilton, New Zealand. I’m married to my beautiful wife Alison and have three grown-up children. My life is filled with radical testimonies of the power of the holy spirit working to confirm God’s word. I planted this church here in Hamilton, “Manifest Love Church” which is growing quickly and along with churches in Kenya, Uganda and Pakistan I find often it can be hard finding time for extensive sermon preparation, so I am looking forward to seeing how this platform will work.
May God bless you and grant us His grace by the power of His Holy Spirit to see this resource used powerfully to advance the kingdom of God!
Glad to have you with us, Geoff. You sound like a busy man! Please let me know how you find the process, and if you have any suggestions for it can improve.
Hey Brandon + Co.,
My name is Hamish. I live in Cronulla, a beach side suburb at the southern end of Sydney, Australia. My wife, Jo and I moved here with two of our three teenagers (our eldest is now at Uni) in March 2018 after 17 years in a regional centre in the north of our state (also by the beach as it happens). I’m interested to see how this idea will work. I like the plan re graphics and overviews.
My conviction is that solid, exegetical, Christ-centred preaching is the basis of a healthy church ministry. Looking forward to getting help to do that well, and also being a help others in that task too.
I like espresso coffee, salt water and sunshine.
Hey Hamish, so glad to have you here. Believe it or not, I have a brother who married an Aussie girl and now lives in Sydney. I’ve been dying to get out there to visit. It looks beautiful.
Hello my name is George Zapata and I am from Harlingen, Texas Deep South Texas, close to the border of Mexico. My wife and I started a church (Impact Church) almost two years this coming January. It been a rollercoaster ride but love it.
I work bi-vocational. Full time with my job and full time with the church.
I don’t know everything as a pasto and still learning along the way. Excited to see what come out of this new adventure. This is new to me but willing to get out of my comfort zone.
I am also a Pastor Kids. It funny how God calls you into ministry and you don’t want to answer.
I never wanted to be a pastor growing up but it funny how God make your be what you don’t want to be.
I love being a pastor and love being a servant.
Excited to see where this goes.
Thanks for joining us, George. I can only imagine how much your time must be stretched working two jobs. Praying that this is a blessing for you.
My name is Tim Minks. I pastor a church on the west central part of Indiana. My wife and I not only enjoy leading a great group of people but love to travel and visit different parts of our nation and one day…around the world.
I look forward to joining a great group of people serving the kingdom and committed to excellence for others. Can’t wait to get started.
Glad you decided to join us, Tim. This is going to be fun.
Hi – Im located in Pittsburgh PA and looking forward to seeing the resources offered. Im having a hard time finding anything though. Am I doing something wrong?
Welcome! This is a brand-new service, so the resource library will continue to grow. For right now, you can see all of the resources available for download in the Resource Library section: https://www.propreacher.com/preaching-team/resource-library/
Over the next few weeks, we will be working together with your input to create our first sermon series. That’s why it says “coming soon…”
I hope that helps. If you haven’t yet, please read the FAQ posted at the top of the member page for more details. And please let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks!
Thank You Brandon…This is a much needed service…Look forward to seeing how it works in real time…Blessings
Thanks. Glad to have you with us!
My name is Lynn Miller Jackson.
I lead a church in Sandy, Utah. My husband and I relocated from Denver, CO in July 2019. We are empty-nesters and originally from the East coast. Ministry is a second career for me.
I love travel, gardening, smoking meats and veggies, fly-fishing, baseball, golf with my husband, historic architecture, new discoveries, and much more.
I am excited at the idea of engaging with pastors across the country and hopefully around the world. I have been more of a lectionary preacher seeking to bring forth different insights and relevant applications. I want to develop and incorporate sermon series in an annual preaching plan.
Like you Brandon, I can’t wait to see what God does with this team!
Thanks, Lynn. I feel like we could get along well since you like to smoke meat, and I love to eat smoked meat. Haha. Welcome aboard!
My name is John Broglin
I live on a mountain top in Pennsylvania. Seriously that is the name of my city, Mountain top. It is located in the Pocono Mountains. I live there with my wife Amy. Amy and I have been married for 5 years. We both went to rival Christian colleges and meet through my pastoral internship program through other people. We both received our callings later in life as we were both older students.
I am currently the head pastor of New Life Community Church. This is my first time being the head pastor and I only have been there since the beginning of August. I am just starting in my role and our looking for ways to be a better preacher of the Word of God. I use Logos to help put my sermons together. I think the hardest part for sermons for me is finding good story’s or illustrations.
I look forward in participating and pray this will be a benefit for us pastors and for those who hears Gods words that we preach. My motto is “Not I but Christ”
Pastor John Broglin
Hey John, welcome to the team. Congratulations on your new role! It sounds like this will be a solid resource for you, especially as you are getting adjusted as a head pastor.
Thank you Brandon. I am looking forward in growing together. I think this is a great idea.
Blessings to you, your family and your ministry.
My name is Donnie Peters
I live near Raleigh, North Carolina with my wife Laura and our son (17). Laura and I are both Canadian, we met in high school and have been married for 23 years. We moved to the US in 2000 and have lived in the middle and on both coasts!
Over the years, I’ve had the privilege to work in churches of all different sizes, mostly as a student ministries pastor. From a small church to some of the largest and fastest-growing churches across the country.
I’m currently a campus pastor and a part of our churches teaching team.
I love to surf (I’m not good, but i still love it), baseball, football, and of course hockey!
Thank you for creating this, I’m excited to grow from this!
Glad to have you with us, Donnie! Looking forward to learning from your experience and insights too.
I’ll start. My name is Brandon Hilgemann.
I live in the suburbs of Phoenix, Arizona with my high school sweetheart, Taryn. We’ve been married for over 13 years now. We also have two kids, a girl (10) and a boy (6).
Over the years, I’ve had the privilege to work in churches of all different sizes, from a church plant to some of the largest and fastest-growing churches across the country.
In 2012, I started ProPreacher.com as a blog to share what I was learning about preaching, and God has helped it grow beyond anything I ever imagined.
I love sports, especially football and basketball. I’m a big Packers fan.
I can’t wait to get to see what God does with this team!