If You Were a Christian, Why Didn’t You Tell Me About Jesus? (Sermon Illustration)

How many Christians have missed a chance for evangelism because they were ashamed of talking about Jesus?
Too often we are guilty of “being ashamed of the gospel of Christ.” We’re embarrassed about bearing witness for fear that we might be violating the rules of social propriety.
Our failure to talk about Jesus cheats some of our friends out of the blessings that knowing Him can bring. This became very clear to me when I attended the ten-year reunion of my high-school class. It was fun to see so many of my old friends whom I hadn’t seen for years. Then one of my friends pulled me aside. He had been one of my closest buddies in high school. We had played basketball together and always sat together at lunch. He told me that a year earlier he had had “the most fantastic experience” of his life. He had become a Christian! He explained the change that had come over him and the new joy that he had experienced because of being in a relationship with Christ. He went on and on and on about his life as a new Christian.
After his first pause, I interrupted him and said, “Jerry, I’m so glad to hear this. You know, I’m a Christian too!”
Jerry asked, “When did you become a Christian?” I explained to him that I supposed it was when I was a little boy.
To this he responded with a most intense question. “If you were a Christian when we were in high school together, how come you never told me about Jesus? How come you never introduced me to Christ?”
I didn’t know what to say.
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If your not jesus, why are you wanting to tell me about it ?
The lds made that mistake and said he has returned. But no one is imortal like it says would happen in the bible story book.
But they did get the jewish arronic priesthood which is obsolete. And the canninite melchizedek priesthood which was only held by one black guy.
Jesus received a priesthood like unto it. After he died and ascended to heaven. ( only he would have it.)
The name did not exist. There was no j sound or symbol over 500 years ago in any language during the time period of the psychotic story. So none of the names in the story book with that letter could have existed.
It comes from the middle and far east.
They have damaged their own lives. I don’t need that personality trait in my life.
The religious psychosis needs to stop.
History has proven the damage they have caused.
They are not the friend of progress and empathy towards others.
Good guide lines are given
.holy spirit experience (personal)should have the preacher than the theological qualification and should be reffer ed
However your work is highly be appreciated
God bless you and your ministry
Servent of iin his field
Brandon, was this your personal experience? I, too, am guilty for having been too shy.