You Need to Stop Last Minute Sermons

Something is bothering me in the aftermath of Easter.
I’m trying to let it go, but I can’t.
A lot of pastors are only preparing their preaching week-to-week, and worse, many are just beginning to write their sermons on Saturday before delivering it on Sunday!
“Brandon, how do you know?”
Here’s how: Traffic on this website spiked over the weekend with searches for Easter sermon ideas.
So either there are a lot of people so excited about your upcoming Easter sermon that they wanted to research what you might preach, or there are a lot of pastors who are so behind that in the final hours before one of the biggest days of the year they’re scrambling to scrape up something.
Now, here’s the thing: I expected the spike. The same thing has happened every year for the last five years that has existed.
Every year I hope I’ll see it more in the month or weeks leading up to Easter, but it’s always highest on the day before.
Look, if that was you and you needed help, my intention is not to shame you. I know that the demands of ministry are enormous. I’m also aware that some pastors are bi-vocational and have less time than others.
That’s why I create resources to help busy pastors like you.
But I cannot believe that a last-minute sermon is the best you have to offer. Yes, God can still use your Saturday night special, but is that the best you can give?
Come on; you’ve got more to offer than that. Don’t you?
Plus, it’s not healthy for you. When you are throwing together last-minute messages every week, your stress is so high there’s a hole in the ceiling, and you’ve got no space in your schedule to deal with the inevitable mess of ministry.
I know because I’ve been there.
My life changed when some incredible mentors helped me learn how to get ahead, and I dedicated myself to creating a better system of sermon preparation.
This problem is why after years of preaching, studying preaching, and writing books and articles about preaching, I created an online course to help busy pastors save time, stress less, and preach better by finally getting ahead on their sermon preparation.
It’s called Best Preaching Year. And if you are one of the many overstressed, overwhelmed, on the brink of burnout pastors, you need this.
It’s the practical stuff they don’t teach you in seminary.
The jump in visitors on my website on the day before Easter has once again proved that more pastors need this training.
It’s time to step up.
You don’t have to buy my course to get ahead.
You could develop a system on your own. I only want to help you get there faster, so you don’t make the same mistakes I did.
It bothers me that so many pastors are so overwhelmed that they are preaching half-baked sermons. And, honestly, it shows in a lot of the anemic preaching we see.
So, whether you learn from me or someone else, please, for the sake of your church and your sanity let’s put an end to last-second sermons.
What do you say?
You’re totally right. I can tell that many pastors barely study and prepare. It’s obvious in their sermons. It may also show up in their lives – not the most spiritual or discerning often times.